Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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9Li + 2H,   EE/A=5 MeV

H.Al Falou, R.Kanungo, C.Andreoiu, D.S.Cross, B.Davids, M.Djongolov, A.T.Gallant, N.Galinski, D.Howell, R.Kshetri, D.Niamir, J.N.Orce, A.C.Shotter, S.Sjue, I.Tanihata, I.J.Thompson, S.Triambak, M.Uchida, P.Walden, R.B.Wiringa,
Physics Letters, B721 (2013) 224
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The radioactive beam of 9Li with an average intensity of 5·104 ions/sec and energy of 5 A*MeV was produced in the first stage of ISAC facility
Target: Deuterated polyethylene foil (CD2)n target of thickness 490 µg/cm2
Data obtained: exported from EXFOR
Experiment performed at the ISAC II facility at TRIUMF. 

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Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
19.79 1180 1.526 18 18
21.61 1020 1.53 15.6 15.6
22.68 906 2.109 19.1 19.1
24.25 830 3.531 29.3 29.3
25.4 646 3.53 22.8 22.8
26.89 520 3.039 15.8 15.8
28.71 528 3.542 18.7 18.7
29.86 388 3.531 13.7 13.7
31.51 324 3.55 11.5 11.5
33.33 241 3.527 8.5 8.5
34.32 187 4.033 7.54 7.54
35.89 152 4.507 6.85 6.85
37.54 113 4.009 4.53 4.53
39.27 80.3 4.023 3.23 3.23
41.01 67.4 3.532 2.38 2.38
42.08 43.8 5.982 2.62 2.62
77 9.83 6.938 0.682 0.682
80.96 8 4.513 0.361 0.361
84.92 6.79 8.822 0.599 0.599
89.38 4.21 7.886 0.332 0.332
93.18 4.55 9.759 0.444 0.444
97.63 4.34 7.42 0.322 0.322
101.43 4.23 11.608 0.491 0.491
105.89 4.37 11.122 0.486 0.486