9 Be + 13 C, Ecm =11.5 MeV E.Ungricht, D.Balzer, M.Hugi, J.Lang, R.Muller, L.Jarczyk, B.Kamys, A.Strzalkowski,Nuclear Physics, A313 (1979) 376 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: 100 nA Be-9 beam Target: no data Data obtained: exported from EXFOR The experiments were performed at the ETH tandem accelerator in Zurich. Angular resolution was 0.8-1.4 degrees.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 15.69 1.1964 19.042 0.22781 0.22781 19.49 0.63589 15 0.09538 0.09538 23.51 0.48907 15 0.07336 0.07336 27.47 0.53714 15 0.08057 0.08057 30.93 0.39701 15 0.05955 0.05955 34.98 0.24079 15.001 0.03612 0.03612 38.7 0.20853 15.001 0.03128 0.03128 41.79 0.25111 15.002 0.03767 0.03767 45.79 0.2233 14.998 0.03349 0.03349 50.39 0.1587 15.004 0.02381 0.02381 53.86 0.10417 15.005 0.01563 0.01563 58.12 0.10432 15.002 0.01565 0.01565 61.8 0.11608 14.999 0.01741 0.01741 65.79 0.1046 15 0.01569 0.01569 68.96 0.08042 14.997 0.01206 0.01206 70.42 0.0618 15 0.00927 0.00927 72.76 0.03897 15.012 0.00585 0.00585 74.75 0.04058 15.008 0.00609 0.00609 77.61 0.0356 15 0.00534 0.00534 79.32 0.0329 14.985 0.00493 0.00493 81.84 0.04232 15.005 0.00635 0.00635 83.78 0.05812 15.004 0.00872 0.00872 86.64 0.05167 15 0.00775 0.00775 88.07 0.04776 14.992 0.00716 0.00716 91.49 0.04302 11.205 0.00482 0.00482 96.33 0.03982 14.993 0.00597 0.00597 98.93 0.03184 15.013 0.00478 0.00478 101.19 0.03316 14.988 0.00497 0.00497 102.08 0.02685 15.01 0.00403 0.00403 104.64 0.02516 14.985 0.00377 0.00377 106.9 0.02762 10.029 0.00277 0.00277 108.07 0.02297 15.02 0.00345 0.00345 110.6 0.02623 10.027 0.00263 0.00263 112.86 0.02879 15.006 0.00432 0.00432 113.39 0.0351 12.365 0.00434 0.00434 115.99 0.02807 12.362 0.00347 0.00347 119.95 0.03043 11.207 0.00341 0.00341 121.95 0.02888 11.185 0.00323 0.00323 123.64 0.03128 12.373 0.00387 0.00387 125.33 0.03344 12.381 0.00414 0.00414 127.27 0.04414 11.192 0.00494 0.00494 130.1 0.04911 11.2 0.0055 0.0055 133.72 0.075 8.827 0.00662 0.00662 137.13 0.07218 8.826 0.00637 0.00637 140.54 0.07131 10.013 0.00714 0.00714 143.4 0.06683 11.208 0.00749 0.00749 145.95 0.06601 10.029 0.00662 0.00662 149.87 0.09564 10.028 0.00959 0.00959 155.45 0.18054 10.026 0.0181 0.0181 161.09 0.2294 12.372 0.02838 0.02838 164.24 0.19602 15.764 0.0309 0.0309