Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
< Ecm(MeV) <
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9Be + 9Be,   Ecm=10 MeV

E.Ungricht, D.Balzer, M.Hugi, J.Lang, R.Muller, L.Jarczyk, B.Kamys, A.Strzalkowski,
Nuclear Physics, A313 (1979) 376
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: 100 nA Be-9 beam
Target: The targets used in the experiments were self-supporting with thicknesses of 50-70 mu-g/cm2 for Be-9.
Data obtained: exported from EXFOR
The experiments were performed at the ETH tandem accelerator in Zurich. Angular resolution was 0.8-1.4 degrees. 

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Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
7.6 1.0874 15.001 0.16312 0.16312
12.2 0.8083 9.047 0.07312 0.07312
17.37 0.56162 9.055 0.05085 0.05085
22.56 0.3362 10 0.03362 0.03362
27.06 0.4788 10 0.04788 0.04788
32.51 0.36579 10.001 0.03658 0.03658
37.72 0.18613 9.999 0.01861 0.01861
43.15 0.15424 9.998 0.01542 0.01542
47.65 0.22876 10.002 0.02288 0.02288
53.35 0.21708 10.001 0.02171 0.02171
58.86 0.10323 9.998 0.01032 0.01032
64 0.09153 9.997 0.00915 0.00915
69.05 0.14728 10.002 0.01473 0.01473
74.73 0.16221 10 0.01622 0.01622
79.29 0.15387 10.002 0.01539 0.01539
84.74 0.11597 10.003 0.0116 0.0116
89.58 0.11152 9.999 0.01115 0.01115
94.42 0.11169 10.001 0.01117 0.01117
99.8 0.13523 9.998 0.01352 0.01352
105.74 0.16601 10.277 0.01706 0.01706
110.04 0.13566 11.485 0.01558 0.01558
120.61 0.09968 18.389 0.01833 0.01833
141.02 0.17959 10.001 0.01796 0.01796