13 C + 12 C, Elab =650 MeV C.Berat, M.Buenerd, J.Y.Hostachy, P.Martin, J.Barrette, B.Berthier, B.Fernandez, A.Miczaika, A.Villari, H.G.Bohlen, S.Kubono, E.Stiliaris, W.Von Oertzen,Nuclear Physics, A555 (1993) 455 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: no data Target: A set of nuclear targets including C-12, Ca-40, Ni-58,62, Zr-90, Sn-120 and Pb-208 were used. Data obtained: exported from EXFOR The three-stage cyclotron system of the GANIL accelerator facility in Caen, France.
Θcm (deg) dσ/dΩ (mb/sr) error (%) +δσ -δσ 2.193 60000 5 3000 3000 2.523 34700 5 1735 1735 2.783 17200 5 860 860 3.043 6800 5 340 340 3.328 2170 5 108.5 108.5 3.543 531 5 26.55 26.55 3.846 890 5 44.5 44.5 4.125 2020 5 101 101 4.428 2920 5 146 146 4.615 3780 5 189 189 4.92 3520 5 176 176 5.201 3150 5 157.5 157.5 5.483 2520 5 126 126 5.671 1950 5 97.5 97.5 5.93 1300 5 65 65 6.236 750 5 37.5 37.5 6.543 383 5 19.15 19.15 6.779 246 5 12.3 12.3 7.013 237 5 11.85 11.85 7.293 357 5.001 17.85 17.85 7.573 462 5 23.1 23.1 7.854 537 5 26.85 26.85 8.065 499 5 24.95 24.95 8.346 537 5 26.85 26.85 8.651 431 5 21.55 21.55 8.887 320 5 16 16 9.145 257 5 12.85 12.85 9.403 198 5 9.9 9.9 9.685 153 5 7.65 7.65 9.967 127 5 6.35 6.35 10.23 71 5 3.55 3.55 10.48 50.6 5 2.53 2.53