Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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16O + 11B,   Elab=64 MeV

R.M. Anjos, N. Added, N. Carlin, L. Fante, Jr., M.C.S. Figuera, R. Matheus, E.M. Szanto, C. Tenrerio, A. Szanto de Toledo,
Physical Review, C49 (1994) 2018
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: Self-supporting 10B and 11B foil of area densities between 30 and 50 μg/cm2 and 9Be foils of area densities 200 μg/cm2.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The measurements were performed using O an F beams from the University of Sao Paulo Pelletron accelerator. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
30.15 0.1208 11.648 0.01407 0.01407
32.62 0.07602 12.334 0.009376 0.009376
35.34 0.05031 9.064 0.00456 0.00456
37.75 0.05024 10.076 0.005062 0.005062
40.39 0.0611 15.932 0.009734 0.009734
47.69 0.03495 10.647 0.003721 0.003721
50.74 0.01447 11.929 0.001726 0.001726
53.32 0.009026 9.048 0.0008166 0.0008166
55.57 0.01294 11.392 0.001474 0.001474
58.47 0.01756 8.844 0.001553 0.001553
66.63 0.006207 23.845 0.00148 0.00148
69.29 0.006831 11.072 0.0007563 0.0007563
72.01 0.00483 13.09 0.0006322 0.0006322
119.2 0.01362 18.943 0.00258 0.00258
121.2 0.01408 18.928 0.002665 0.002665
123.2 0.01186 18.989 0.002252 0.002252
125.2 0.01459 15.312 0.002234 0.002234
127.1 0.01607 22.757 0.003657 0.003657
133.5 0.01805 20.887 0.00377 0.00377
135.5 0.01957 26.771 0.005239 0.005239
137.3 0.04974 13.493 0.006711 0.006711
139.3 0.04393 17.089 0.007507 0.007507
141.3 0.04198 15.258 0.006405 0.006405
147.3 0.03386 20.904 0.007078 0.007078
149.3 0.05032 17.111 0.00861 0.00861
151.3 0.05042 17.131 0.008637 0.008637
153.4 0.05468 15.235 0.00833 0.00833
155.2 0.05653 17.11 0.009672 0.009672
161.5 0.07437 18.946 0.01409 0.01409
163.5 0.1105 34.942 0.03861 0.03861
165.5 0.1237 24.738 0.0306 0.0306
167.4 0.1498 20.862 0.03125 0.03125
169.4 0.1477 15.295 0.02259 0.02259