14 N + 9 Be, Elab =25 MeV R.Bock, H.H.Duhm, M.Grosse-schulte, R.Ruedel,Nuclear Physics, 70 (1965) 481 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: intensity 300 nA Target: Beryllium targets, thickness between 25 and 200 mug/cm2 , 99.99% enrichment were used. Data obtained: exported from EXFOR The experiment was perforemd with the Heidelberger Tandem-van-de-Graaf accelerator.
Θcm (deg) dσ/dΩ (mb/sr) error (%) +δσ -δσ 40.277 244.9 15 36.735 36.735 53.963 59.35 15 8.9025 8.9025 59.043 30.99 15.001 4.6485 4.6485 63.963 20.76 15 3.114 3.114 67.826 14.62 15 2.193 2.193 68.704 13.45 15 2.0175 2.0175 74.154 9.007 15 1.35105 1.35105 79.08 6.664 15 0.9996 0.9996 82.077 6.022 15 0.9033 0.9033 84.009 5.097 15 0.76455 0.76455 89.11 3.647 15 0.54705 0.54705 94.211 2.61 15 0.3915 0.3915 98.953 1.72 15 0.258 0.258 104.044 1.06 15 0.159 0.159 109.151 0.838 15 0.1257 0.1257 113.737 0.7566 15 0.11349 0.11349 119.053 0.9673 15.001 0.1451 0.1451 124.152 0.6697 15 0.10045 0.10045 128.907 0.5383 14.186 0.07636 0.07636 134.014 0.4256 15.038 0.064 0.064 138.953 0.3778 24.058 0.09089 0.09089 143.716 0.3411 13.193 0.045 0.045 149.014 0.3345 24.078 0.08054 0.08054 153.8 0.4349 15.002 0.06524 0.06524 158.754 0.487 15 0.07305 0.07305 164.042 0.4114 15 0.06171 0.06171 168.838 0.6107 26.151 0.1597 0.1597