Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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18O + 6Li,   Elab=114 MeV

Adam T.Rudchik, Stanislaw Kliezewski, Kostyantyn A.Chercas, Kirby W.Kemper, Evgeniy I.Koshchy, Krzysztov Rusek, Andryi A.Rudchik, Sergyi Yu.Mezhevych, Valeryi M.Prinak, Volodymir A.Plujko, Oleg A.Ponkratenko, Jaroslaw Choinski, Bronoslaw Czech, Regina Siudak, Antoni Szczurek, Anna Stolarz, Ruslan M.Zelinskyi ,
Nuclear Physics, A922 (2014) 79
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: beam energy spread on the target was about 0.5%
Target: A self-supporting about 900 μg/cm2 lithium target enriched in 6Li to about 85%
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
Experiment were performed using Warsow University cyclotron 

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Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
19.94 379.5 30.33 115.1 115.1
22 184.2 27.769 51.15 51.15
24.07 66.93 27.776 18.59 18.59
26.13 44.97 30.332 13.64 13.64
28.19 43.38 32.804 14.23 14.23
30.25 32.48 30.339 9.854 9.854
32.45 18.22 27.767 5.059 5.059
34.66 6.865 27.765 1.906 1.906
36.72 3.85 30.338 1.168 1.168
38.93 2.883 30.337 0.8746 0.8746
41.13 2.682 30.336 0.8136 0.8136
43.49 2.082 30.342 0.6317 0.6317
45.7 1.302 27.765 0.3615 0.3615
47.9 0.4401 30.335 0.1335 0.1335
50.4 0.4905 30.337 0.1488 0.1488
52.76 0.4905 30.337 0.1488 0.1488
55.26 0.4244 30.349 0.1288 0.1288
57.62 0.3948 32.802 0.1295 0.1295
60.26 0.2136 30.333 0.06479 0.06479
63.06 0.1114 27.774 0.03094 0.03094
65.71 0.09997 30.34 0.03033 0.03033
68.5 0.1155 30.338 0.03504 0.03504
71.45 0.06964 30.342 0.02113 0.02113
74.54 0.05813 27.766 0.01614 0.01614
77.92 0.05407 27.779 0.01502 0.01502
85.57 0.03767 27.768 0.01046 0.01046
95.87 0.01472 27.765 0.004087 0.004087
111.6 0.0132 27.781 0.003667 0.003667
113.7 0.01526 27.766 0.004237 0.004237
115.7 0.01701 30.33 0.005159 0.005159
117.7 0.02113 30.327 0.006408 0.006408
119.7 0.01763 30.341 0.005349 0.005349
121.8 0.02038 30.329 0.006181 0.006181
123.7 0.0219 22.832 0.005 0.005
125.7 0.01965 25.115 0.004935 0.004935
127.8 0.01369 30.337 0.004153 0.004153
129.7 0.01526 27.766 0.004237 0.004237
131.8 0.02355 27.767 0.006539 0.006539
133.7 0.02531 27.772 0.007029 0.007029
135.8 0.02441 32.811 0.008009 0.008009
137.8 0.02441 30.336 0.007405 0.007405
139.9 0.0326 32.792 0.01069 0.01069
141.8 0.0326 30.335 0.009889 0.009889
143.8 0.04513 30.335 0.01369 0.01369
145.9 0.05215 32.81 0.01711 0.01711
147.8 0.03767 27.768 0.01046 0.01046
149.9 0.05407 30.332 0.0164 0.0164
151.9 0.06478 30.334 0.01965 0.01965
153.9 0.06248 30.33 0.01895 0.01895
155.9 0.07486 30.337 0.02271 0.02271
157.8 0.08969 27.774 0.02491 0.02491
159.9 0.06478 30.334 0.01965 0.01965
161.8 0.06478 27.771 0.01799 0.01799
163.9 0.1075 30.326 0.0326 0.0326
165.8 0.1719 27.778 0.04775 0.04775