6 Li + 209 Bi, Elab =44 MeV A.F.Zeller, D.C.Weisser, T.R.Ophel and D.F.Hebbard,Nuclear Physics , A 332 (1979) 518 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: Beam currents in excess of 400 nA Target: about 100 μg/CM2 Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4 ) Experiment were performed in the Australian National University 14UD Pelletron accelerator.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 26.64 1.015 2.329 0.02363 0.02363 28.01 1.028 3.465 0.03562 0.03562 31.09 0.9931 3.465 0.03441 0.03441 34.34 1.018 3.48 0.03542 0.03542 38.27 1.043 2.323 0.02422 0.02422 40.15 1.069 3.455 0.03693 0.03693 41.35 1.082 3.465 0.03749 0.03749 43.4 1.082 2.329 0.02519 0.02519 44.43 1.07 1.186 0.01269 0.01269 47.69 0.998 3.475 0.03468 0.03468 50.6 0.9091 2.318 0.02107 0.02107 53.52 0.7717 2.328 0.01796 0.01796 55.75 0.6704 2.333 0.01564 0.01564 59.54 0.512 2.327 0.01191 0.01191 62.8 0.4098 2.342 0.009597 0.009597 65.9 0.3128 2.328 0.00728 0.00728 68.65 0.2417 2.332 0.005636 0.005636 71.92 0.1802 2.333 0.004203 0.004203 76.91 0.1101 2.337 0.002573 0.002573 81.91 0.0649 3.477 0.002256 0.002256 86.91 0.03651 5.717 0.002087 0.002087 91.9 0.02421 5.721 0.001385 0.001385 96.88 0.01606 6.825 0.001096 0.001096