6 Li + 208 Pb, Elab =52 MeV A.F.Zeller, D.C.Weisser, T.R.Ophel and D.F.Hebbard,Nuclear Physics, A 332 (1979) 518 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: Beam currents in excess of 400 nA for both 44 MeV 6Li and Target: about 100 μg/CM2 Data obtained: author graph Beams of 6Li and 7Li were extracted from the exchange canal of a duoplasmatron ion source or from a General Ionex sputter source and accelerated in the Australian National University 14UD Pelletron accelerator.
Θcm (deg) dσ/dΩ (mb/sr) error (%) +δσ -δσ 18.37 0.1001 3.466 0.003469 0.003469 19.4 0.09896 3.483 0.003446 0.003446 20.59 0.1038 2.318 0.002406 0.002406 21.62 0.1014 3.46 0.003508 0.003508 22.82 0.1002 3.463 0.003469 0.003469 24.71 0.09683 3.46 0.00335 0.00335 26.93 0.0992 2.324 0.002305 0.002305 28.81 0.1078 3.465 0.003735 0.003735 31.03 0.1144 3.476 0.003976 0.003976 32.05 0.1131 3.476 0.003931 0.003931 33.08 0.1186 2.329 0.002762 0.002762 33.94 0.1132 2.324 0.00263 0.00263 34.79 0.1132 3.471 0.003929 0.003929 35.3 0.1132 2.325 0.002631 0.002631 36.16 0.108 3.473 0.00375 0.00375 37.19 0.1031 2.314 0.002385 0.002385 38.22 0.09957 2.336 0.002325 0.002325 39.08 0.09066 3.477 0.003152 0.003152 40.12 0.08255 3.466 0.002861 0.002861 41.32 0.07517 2.33 0.001751 0.001751 43.39 0.05946 3.465 0.00206 0.00206 45.29 0.04872 3.471 0.001691 0.001691 47.36 0.03633 2.314 0.0008404 0.0008404 49.43 0.02908 3.46 0.001006 0.001006 51.67 0.02144 3.471 0.0007441 0.0007441 55.65 0.01207 2.329 0.000281 0.000281 56.69 0.00954 2.33 0.0002222 0.0002222 61.87 0.005006 6.81 0.0003409 0.0003409 66.88 0.002391 4.597 0.0001099 0.0001099 71.73 0.001076 4.602 0.00004951 0.00004951