Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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18O + 18O,   Elab=28 MeV

Sh.Hamada, N. Burtebayev and N. Amangeldi,
International Journal of Modern Physics, E22 (2013) 1350058
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: Al2O3 target of thickness 31.9 μg/cm2
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The experiments were performed in the cyclotron DC-60 INP NNC located at Institute of Nuclear Physics, Almaty, Kazakhstan. The 16O ion beam was accelerated up to energies 20, 24 and 28 MeV and then directed to Al2O3 target of thickness 31.9 μg/cm2. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
24.05 14980 9.433 1413 1413
26.08 12090 9.43 1140 1140
28.11 8136 10.912 887.8 887.8
30.13 5658 9.43 533.5 533.5
32.16 5475 7.922 433.7 433.7
34 3935 7.922 311.7 311.7
36.21 3808 9.428 359 359
38.05 1842 9.43 173.7 173.7
40.08 1302 9.432 122.8 122.8
42.29 1302 9.432 122.8 122.8
44.13 1000 9.429 94.29 94.29
46.16 951.7 9.43 89.74 89.74
48.18 793.7 9.43 74.84 74.84
50.03 609.5 7.922 48.28 48.28
52.05 460.3 7.924 36.47 36.47
54.08 416.9 9.43 39.31 39.31
56.11 320.2 9.429 30.19 30.19
58.13 271.5 7.919 21.5 21.5
60.16 211.9 10.911 23.12 23.12
62 162.7 9.429 15.34 15.34
64.03 118.9 9.429 11.21 11.21
66.05 97.56 7.922 7.728 7.728
68.08 66.74 9.43 6.293 6.293
72.13 63.51 9.431 5.989 5.989
74.16 48.77 9.43 4.599 4.599
76.18 38.08 10.912 4.155 4.155
80.05 13.24 9.426 1.248 1.248
88.16 31.23 9.431 2.945 2.945
92.21 24.38 9.43 2.299 2.299
96.08 14.38 9.43 1.356 1.356
99.95 22.45 10.914 2.45 2.45
102 21.02 9.43 1.982 1.982
104 31.75 9.43 2.994 2.994
106 38.08 10.912 4.155 4.155
108.1 86.91 9.43 8.195 8.195
110.3 72.48 7.923 5.742 5.742
112.1 125 9.424 11.78 11.78
113.9 160.1 9.426 15.09 15.09
116.2 188.8 7.924 14.96 14.96
120.2 191.9 7.921 15.2 15.2
121.1 396.8 9.428 37.41 37.41
122.1 516.7 9.43 48.72 48.72
125.2 640.4 9.429 60.38 60.38
126.1 599.5 9.43 56.53 56.53
129.1 967.5 9.43 91.23 91.23
133.1 1324 9.426 124.8 124.8
137.2 1812 7.92 143.5 143.5
141 2737 7.922 216.8 216.8
145.1 3228 9.43 304.4 304.4