Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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7Li + 27Al,   Elab=19 MeV

K.Kalita, S.Verma, R.Singh, J.J.Das, A.Jhingan, N.Madhavan, S.Nath, T.Varughese, P.Sugathan, V.V.Parkar, K.Mahata, K.Ramachandran, A.Shrivastava, A.Chatterjee, S.Kailas, S.Barua, P.Basu, H.Majumdar, M.Sinha, R.Bhattacharya, and A.K.Sinha,
Physical Review, C73 (2006) 024609
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: 7Li (3+) beams of Elab=21.5, 23, and 25 MeV from a 15-UD pelletron accelerator
Target: Self-supported 27Al (99.99% pure) target of thicknesses 86 μgg/cm2 was used for elastic-scattering cross-section measurements
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The experiment for 7Li + 27Al system was carried out at the BARC-TIFR pelletron accelerator facility at Mumbai, with the 7Li beam at Elab=10, 13, 16, 19, and 24 MeV. 

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Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
14.94 1.117 18.425 0.2058 0.2058
21.26 0.7936 21.157 0.1679 0.1679
27.45 0.5639 18.443 0.104 0.104
32.51 0.3874 21.172 0.08202 0.08202
37.29 0.305 21.145 0.06449 0.06449
42.35 0.1829 21.16 0.0387 0.0387
45.87 0.1392 21.164 0.02946 0.02946
51.77 0.1059 21.171 0.02242 0.02242
56.69 0.07276 23.805 0.01732 0.01732
61.47 0.04833 21.147 0.01022 0.01022
66.11 0.03935 18.438 0.007255 0.007255