Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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16O + 120Sn,   Elab=65.75 MeV

B.C. Robertson, J.T. Sample, D.R. Goosman, K. Nagtani, K.W. Jones,
Physical Review, C4 (1971) 2176
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: Target 116,120Sn with isotopic purity better tan 95% were prepared by vacuum evaporation of metallic Sn, or Sn2O3 reduced with titanium powder, from a niobium boat onto 20 mcg/cm2 carbon backing. Tin thicknesses of about 40mcg/cm2 were used.
Data obtained: author's graph digitized
For most of the runs statistical errors were less than 5%. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
30.9 0.9943 2.001 0.01989 0.01989
36.56 0.9851 2 0.0197 0.0197
42.22 0.9823 2.001 0.01965 0.01965
44.75 1.001 2.001 0.02002 0.02002
47.49 0.9953 2.001 0.01991 0.01991
50.22 1.002 2 0.02004 0.02004
52.95 0.9798 2.001 0.0196 0.0196
55.87 1.012 2 0.02024 0.02024
58.61 0.9643 2.001 0.01929 0.01929
61.14 0.9992 2 0.01998 0.01998
63.87 1.018 2 0.02036 0.02036
66.79 1.028 2 0.02056 0.02056
69.51 1.092 2 0.02184 0.02184
71.45 1.155 2 0.0231 0.0231
74.37 1.155 2 0.0231 0.0231
74.58 1.114 2 0.02228 0.02228
76.91 1.143 2 0.02286 0.02286
79.68 1.007 2.001 0.02014 0.02014
82.61 0.9657 2 0.01931 0.01931
85.57 0.8171 2 0.01634 0.01634
87.75 0.6812 2 0.01362 0.01362
90.5 0.5769 2.001 0.01154 0.01154
92.47 0.4821 2 0.00964 0.00964
95.42 0.3937 1.999 0.00787 0.00787
97.78 0.302 2 0.00604 0.00604
100.9 0.2294 2.001 0.00459 0.00459
102.9 0.1758 2.003 0.00352 0.00352
105.4 0.1348 2.003 0.0027 0.0027
107.6 0.1096 1.999 0.00219 0.00219
112.7 0.06873 1.994 0.00137 0.00137
117 0.03101 2.001 0.0006202 0.0006202
122 0.02498 2.001 0.0004996 0.0004996