Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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18O + 116Sn,   Elab=67 MeV

B.C. Robertson, J.T. Sample, D.R. Goosman, K. Nagtani, K.W. Jones,
Physical Review, C4 (1971) 2176
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: Target 116,120Sn with isotopic purity better tan 95% were prepared by vacuum evaporation of metallic Sn, or Sn2O3 reduced with titanium powder, from a niobium boat onto 20 mcg/cm2 carbon backing. Tin thicknesses of about 40mcg/cm2 were used.
Data obtained: author's graph digitized
For most of the runs statistical errors were less than 5%. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
32.15 1.014 2 0.02028 0.02028
37.76 1.007 2 0.02014 0.02014
42.69 1.02 2 0.0204 0.0204
46.11 1.014 2 0.02028 0.02028
48.98 1.002 2 0.02004 0.02004
52.13 1.016 2 0.02032 0.02032
54.59 1.029 2 0.02058 0.02058
56.78 1.011 2 0.02022 0.02022
59.79 0.9905 2 0.01981 0.01981
62.8 0.9927 2 0.01985 0.01985
64.99 0.9949 2 0.0199 0.0199
65.4 1.031 2 0.02062 0.02062
67.04 1.024 2 0.02048 0.02048
68.14 1.047 2 0.02094 0.02094
70.2 1.117 2 0.02234 0.02234
70.47 1.061 2 0.02122 0.02122
72.11 1.07 2 0.0214 0.0214
73.62 1.081 2 0.02162 0.02162
75.95 1.131 2 0.02262 0.02262
76.63 1.108 2 0.02216 0.02216
77.58 1.033 2 0.02066 0.02066
78.95 1.017 2 0.02034 0.02034
80.72 0.9332 2 0.01866 0.01866
81.67 0.906 2 0.01812 0.01812
82.35 0.8493 2 0.01699 0.01699
83.31 0.8787 2 0.01757 0.01757
86.44 0.6677 2 0.01335 0.01335
89.3 0.5406 2 0.01081 0.01081
91.89 0.468 2 0.00936 0.00936
93.93 0.3568 2 0.00714 0.00714
96.39 0.3 2 0.006 0.006
98.57 0.2387 2 0.00477 0.00477
103.9 0.1411 2 0.00282 0.00282