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7Be + 9Be, Elab=23.7 MeV
K.C.C.Pires,R.Lichtenthaler,I.Mukha,A.M.Moro,J.Gomez-Camacho,A.Lepine-Szily,V.Guimaraes,M.Assuncao,P.N.De Faria, E.Crema, A.Barioni,D.R.Mendes Jr,V.Morcelle,M.C.Morais, R.PampaCondori,S.Mukherjee,M.Huyse,O.Ivanov, S.Leash, D.Pauwels, J.Ponsaers, R.Raabe,D.Smirnov,I.Stefanescu,P.Van Duppen,C.Angulo, E.Casarejos, M.Loiselet, G.Ryckwaert, I.Martel, A.M.S.Anchez-Benitez,L.Grigorenko,N.K.Timofeyuk, Conference proceedings by American Institute of Physics, 1231 (2010) 173
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Beam quality: The 7Li(p,n)7Be was used as the production reaction to produce the 7Be beam with 3x10**7 pps intensity on the target Target: no data Data obtained: exported from EXFOR (#D0605)Reported on 12th International Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanism, Varenna, 2009, Italy. CRC Radioactive Beam Facility of Catholic University of Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.