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7Be + 51V, Elab=26 MeV
A.Lepine-Szily, R.Lichtenthaler, Revista Mexicana de Fisica, 53 (2007) 59
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
Beam quality: Two reactions were used to produce the 7Be beam both using a 3He gas target: 3He(7Li,7Be)T Q = -0.88 MeV and 3He(6Li,7Be)D Q = +0.11 MeV. Target: 51V was 1.95mg/cm2 thick and 99.75% purity Data obtained: exported from EXFOR (#D0521)The facility is the Pelletron Laboratory of the University of Sao Paulo that extends the capabilities of the original Pelletron Tandem Accelerator of 8 MV terminal voltage (8 UD) by producing secondary beams of unstable nuclei.