Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
< Ecm(MeV) <
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18O + 58Ni,   Elab=63 MeV

K.E.Rehm, H.J.Koerner, M.Richter, H.P.Rother, J.P.Schiffer, H.Spieler,
Physical Review, C12 (1975) 1945
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The energy resolution, determined by target thickness and kinematics, was approx. 200-300 keV for oxygen beams.
Target: For angular distribution Ni, Mo and Sn targets were typically approx. 100-200 mcg/cm**2 thick, evaporated on 5-10-mcg/cm**2 carbon backings.
Data obtained: exported from EXFOR
The beam currents were generally kept below 300 charge nA for the Ni and Mo targets and below 100 nA for the Sn targets. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
20 1.02 10 0.102 0.102
22.5 1 10 0.1 0.1
25 0.95 10 0.095 0.095
27.5 1.02 10 0.102 0.102
30 1.16 10 0.116 0.116
32.5 1.19 10 0.119 0.119
35 1.06 10 0.106 0.106
37.5 0.83 10 0.083 0.083
40 0.6 10 0.06 0.06
42.5 0.41 10 0.041 0.041
45 0.27 10 0.027 0.027
47.5 0.166 10 0.0166 0.0166
50 0.106 10 0.0106 0.0106
52.5 0.066 10 0.0066 0.0066
55 0.041 10 0.0042 0.0042
57.5 0.024 10 0.0024 0.0024
60 0.015 10 0.0015 0.0015
62.5 0.012 10 0.0012 0.0012