Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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15N + 9Be,   Elab=84 MeV

A.T.Rudchik,K.A.Chercas,K.W.Kemper,K.Rusek, A.A.Rudchik, O.V.Herashchenko,E.I.Koshchy, Val.M.Pirnak,E.Piasecki,A.Trzcinska,S.B.Sakuta, R.Siudak,I.Strojek,A.Stolarz,A.P.Ilyin,O.A.Ponkratenko, Yu.M.Stepanenko,Yu.O.Shyrma,A.Szczurek,V.V.Uleshchenko,
Nuclear Physics, A947 (2016) 161
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The beam energy spread on the target was about 0.5%.
Target: The self-supporting 600 mcg/cm2 target foil of 9Be
Data obtained: exported from EXFOR
Cyclotron C-200P, Warszawa, University, Poland. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
13.4 1350 40 540 540
16 895 40 358 358
18.7 355.8 40 142.32 142.32
21.4 60.17 40 24.068 24.068
24.1 91.56 30 27.468 27.468
26.8 59.44 30 17.832 17.832
29.6 13.41 30 4.023 4.023
32.3 13.31 40 5.324 5.324
35 10.72 30 3.216 3.216
37.8 6.089 30 1.8267 1.8267
40.6 2.196 40 0.8784 0.8784
43.4 3.634 30 1.0902 1.0902
46.2 3.803 30 1.1409 1.1409
49 1.643 30 0.4929 0.4929
51.9 1.542 40 0.6168 0.6168
54.8 1.347 30 0.4041 0.4041
57.7 1.529 30 0.4587 0.4587
60.6 0.9559 30 0.28677 0.28677
63.6 0.4571 40 0.18284 0.18284
66.7 0.3563 40 0.14252 0.14252
69.8 0.285 40 0.114 0.114
72.9 0.1679 40 0.06716 0.06716
76.1 0.2443 40 0.09772 0.09772
79.4 0.3079 40 0.12316 0.12316
82.9 0.2309 40 0.09236 0.09236
86.4 0.1911 40 0.07644 0.07644
90.1 0.2319 40 0.09276 0.09276
107.9 0.1273 40 0.05092 0.05092
109.9 0.09151 40 0.0366 0.0366
111.9 0.08385 40 0.03354 0.03354
113.9 0.07434 40 0.02974 0.02974
117.9 0.1278 40 0.05112 0.05112
119.9 0.1102 40 0.04408 0.04408
121.9 0.0996 40 0.03984 0.03984
123.9 0.1036 40 0.04144 0.04144
125.9 0.1153 40 0.04612 0.04612
127.9 0.1395 40 0.0558 0.0558
129.9 0.1592 40 0.06368 0.06368
131.9 0.1788 40 0.07152 0.07152
133.9 0.09992 40 0.03997 0.03997
135.9 0.1215 40 0.0486 0.0486
137.9 0.1615 40 0.0646 0.0646
139.9 0.1787 40 0.07148 0.07148
141.9 0.1821 40 0.07284 0.07284
143.9 0.1502 40 0.06008 0.06008
145.9 0.1938 40 0.07752 0.07752
147.9 0.2285 40 0.0914 0.0914
149.9 0.2535 40 0.1014 0.1014
151.9 0.3062 40 0.12248 0.12248
153.9 0.2403 40 0.09612 0.09612
155.9 0.2457 40 0.09828 0.09828
158 0.2159 40 0.08636 0.08636
160 0.3061 40 0.12244 0.12244
162 0.5981 40 0.23924 0.23924
164 0.5385 40 0.2154 0.2154
166 0.3275 40 0.131 0.131
168 0.5589 40 0.22356 0.22356