Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
< Ecm(MeV) <
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17F + 14N,   Elab=170 MeV

J.C.Blackmon,D.W.Bardayan,C.R.Brune,F.Carstoiu, A.E.Champagne,R.Crespo,T.Davinson,J.C.Fernandes, C.A.Gagliardi,U.Greife,C.J.Gross,P.A.Hausladen, C.Iliadis,C.C.Jewett,R.L.Kozub,T.A.Lewis,F.Lianga, B.H.Moazen,A.M.Mukhamedzhanov,C.D.Nesaraja, F.M.Nunes,P.D.Parker,D.C.Radford,L.Sahin,J.P.Scott, D.Shapira,M.S.Smith,J.S.Thomas,L.Trache,R.E.Tribble, P.J.Woods,C.H.Yu,
Nuclear Physics, A718 (2003) 587
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: 170 MeV 17F ion beam.
Target: no data
Data obtained: exported from EXFOR
Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, US. 10% errors for the cross sections were added to provide proper work of the NRV services. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
7.041 22770 10 2277 2277
8.234 13050 10 1305 1305
9.373 7164 10 716.4 716.4
10.3 2668 10 266.8 266.8
11.5 1107 10 110.7 110.7
12.61 1290 10 129 129
13.8 978.6 10 97.86 97.86
14.89 388.9 10 38.89 38.89
15.49 141.6 10 14.16 14.16
15.89 114.3 10 11.43 11.43
16.83 122.2 10 12.22 12.22
18.23 114.9 10 11.49 11.49
19.79 33.84 10 3.3841 3.3841
21.22 12.89 10 1.289 1.289
22.53 25.75 10 2.575 2.575
24.17 15.42 10 1.542 1.542
25.56 3.989 10 0.3989 0.3989
27.27 6.431 10 0.6431 0.6431
28.9 5.435 10 0.5435 0.5435
30.39 2.209 10 0.2209 0.2209
31.96 1.571 10 0.1571 0.1571
33.63 1.874 10 0.1874 0.1874
35.55 1.03 10 0.103 0.103
37.63 0.6882 10 0.0689 0.0689