Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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7Li + 116Sn,   Elab=19 MeV

N.N.Deshmukh, S.Mukherjee, B.K.Nayak, D.C.Biswas, S.Santra, E.T.Mirgule, S.Appannababu, D.Patel, A.Saxena, R.K.Choudhury, J.Lubian, P.R.S.Gomes,
European Physical Journal, A47 (2011) 118
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: 430 mcg/cm2 self-supported enriched 116Sn (> 98%) target
Data obtained: exported from EXFOR
Tandem van de Graaff Bhabha Atomic Res. Centre, Trombay, India. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
31.73 1.00994 3.537 0.03572 0.03572
36.98 1.00801 1.708 0.01721 0.01721
42.22 1.00704 3.622 0.03647 0.03647
47.45 1.00545 1.793 0.01802 0.01802
52.65 1.00429 3.817 0.03833 0.03833
57.83 1.00341 1.917 0.01923 0.01923
63 1.00105 4.432 0.04436 0.04436
68.14 1.00048 2.303 0.02304 0.02304
73.25 0.99696 1.918 0.01912 0.01912
78.34 0.99298 1.87 0.01856 0.01856
83.41 0.98873 2.075 0.02051 0.02051
88.45 0.98315 1.873 0.01841 0.01841
93.46 0.97939 2.057 0.02014 0.02014
98.45 0.97572 2.212 0.02158 0.02158
103.41 0.97026 2.624 0.02545 0.02545
108.34 0.964 2.349 0.02264 0.02264
113.25 0.96062 3.54 0.034 0.034
118.14 0.95507 3.776 0.03606 0.03606
123 0.95178 3.902 0.03713 0.03713
127.83 0.94652 2.75 0.02602 0.02602
132.65 0.94214 3.671 0.03458 0.03458
137.45 0.93826 3.011 0.02825 0.02825
142.22 0.93489 3.822 0.03573 0.03573
144.13 0.9314 3.201 0.02981 0.02981
146.98 0.92763 3.757 0.03485 0.03485
153.62 0.92235 3.661 0.03376 0.03376
163.07 0.91737 3.175 0.02912 0.02912
172.48 0.9129 3.74 0.03414 0.03414