Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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7Li + 116Sn,   Elab=20 MeV

N.N.Deshmukh, S.Mukherjee, B.K.Nayak, D.C.Biswas, S.Santra, E.T.Mirgule, S.Appannababu, D.Patel, A.Saxena, R.K.Choudhury, J.Lubian, P.R.S.Gomes,
European Physical Journal, A47 (2011) 118
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: 430 mcg/cm2 self-supported enriched 116Sn (> 98%) target
Data obtained: exported from EXFOR
Tandem van de Graaff Bhabha Atomic Res. Centre, Trombay, India. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
31.73 1.01104 4.855 0.04908 0.04908
36.98 1.00884 4.875 0.04918 0.04918
42.22 1.00096 5.907 0.05912 0.05912
47.45 0.99824 5.048 0.05039 0.05039
52.65 0.99056 5.469 0.05417 0.05417
57.83 0.98032 7.007 0.06869 0.06869
63 0.97169 7.203 0.06999 0.06999
68.14 0.96468 6.322 0.06098 0.06098
73.25 0.96022 12.453 0.11957 0.11957
78.34 0.95573 12.956 0.12382 0.12382
83.41 0.95173 12.793 0.12175 0.12175
88.45 0.94332 13.405 0.12645 0.12645
93.46 0.93728 13.69 0.12831 0.12831
98.45 0.92949 14.018 0.13029 0.13029
103.41 0.9217 14.012 0.12914 0.12914
108.34 0.91338 13.821 0.12623 0.12623
113.25 0.9032 12.355 0.11159 0.11159
118.14 0.89467 11.864 0.10614 0.10614
123 0.88752 10.142 0.09001 0.09001
127.83 0.88145 11.31 0.09969 0.09969
132.65 0.8734 11.038 0.0964 0.0964
137.45 0.86654 10.503 0.09101 0.09101
142.22 0.85981 11.137 0.09575 0.09575
146.98 0.85077 12.246 0.10418 0.10418
151.73 0.84254 13.116 0.1105 0.1105
161.18 0.83468 12.362 0.10318 0.10318
170.6 0.82649 12.753 0.1054 0.1054