Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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16O + 208Pb,   Elab=793 MeV

M.C. Mermaz, B. Berthier, J. Barrette, J. Gastebois, A. Gillibert, R. Lucas, J. Matuszek, A. Miczaika, E. Van Renterghem, T. Suomijiirvi, A. Boucenna, D. Disdier, P. Gorodetzky, L. Kraus, I. Linck,,
Zeitschrift fur Physik, A326 (1987) 353-359
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: In this experiment the 208Pb target thickness was 300 mcg/cm2 on a 30 mcg/cm2 carbon backing.
Data obtained: author's graph
The experiment was performed by using the magnetic spectrometer SPEG with the analysing magnet of the GANIL facility. 

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Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
1.363 0.9669 15.001 0.14504 0.14504
1.669 0.9885 15 0.14827 0.14827
1.939 0.9969 15 0.14953 0.14953
2.265 1.016 15 0.1524 0.1524
2.549 1.006 15 0.1509 0.1509
2.864 0.9885 15 0.14827 0.14827
3.119 0.9726 15 0.14589 0.14589
3.445 0.873 15.001 0.13095 0.13095
3.755 0.9643 15.001 0.14465 0.14465
4.04 1.002 15 0.1503 0.1503
4.336 1.22 15 0.183 0.183
4.634 1.207 15 0.18105 0.18105
4.946 1.239 15 0.18585 0.18585
5.245 1.126 15.001 0.1689 0.1689
5.53 0.9275 15.001 0.13913 0.13913
5.844 0.7279 15.001 0.10919 0.10919
6.13 0.4948 15 0.07422 0.07422
6.444 0.3779 14.999 0.05668 0.05668
6.622 0.2999 14.999 0.04498 0.04498
7.018 0.1914 15.001 0.02871 0.02871
7.318 0.1558 15 0.02337 0.02337
7.645 0.1082 15.001 0.01623 0.01623
7.918 0.07381 14.998 0.01107 0.01107
8.239 0.05255 14.996 0.00788 0.00788
8.561 0.03583 14.988 0.00537 0.00537
8.861 0.02581 14.995 0.00387 0.00387
9.162 0.01606 15.007 0.00241 0.00241
9.438 0.00853 15.006 0.00128 0.00128
9.735 0.0093 15.054 0.0014 0.0014
10.01 0.00551 15.011 0.0008271 0.0008271