4 He + 10 B, Elab =22.5 MeV F. zu Bentheim, P. David, J. Debrus, F. Hinterberger, R. Jahn, F. Liibke, H. Mommsen, R. Schoenmackers, B. Schtiller,Zeitschrift fur Physik, A279 (1976) 163-168 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: no data Target: The self supporting 10 B target had a thickness of about 100 mcg/cm2 . Data obtained: authors graph The alpha-particles were accelerated by the energy variable Bonn Isochronous Cyclotron. Absolute cross sections were determined with an accuracy of 15-20%.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 26.13 0.19793 9.999 0.01979 0.01979 31.23 1.2724 10 0.12724 0.12724 37.62 2.2627 10 0.22627 0.22627 43.24 2.0329 10 0.20329 0.20329 49.64 1.19 10 0.119 0.119 52.45 1.2896 10 0.12896 0.12896 57.81 2.485 10 0.2485 0.2485 64.71 3.6638 10 0.36638 0.36638 67.78 3.567 10 0.3567 0.3567 70.85 3.6638 10 0.36638 0.36638 73.15 3.6638 10 0.36638 0.36638 76.73 3.6638 10 0.36638 0.36638 82.6 4.8531 10 0.48531 0.48531 85.41 5.8535 10 0.58535 0.58535 91.29 8.4021 10 0.84021 0.84021 94.36 9.9992 10 0.99992 0.99992 96.66 9.3518 10 0.93518 0.93518 99.72 10.982 10 1.0982 1.0982 103.3 10.134 10.001 1.0134 1.0134 106.4 9.1048 10.001 0.91048 0.91048 109.2 9.9992 10 0.99992 0.99992 112.2 12.223 10 1.2223 1.2223 115.3 13.245 10 1.3245 1.3245 117.9 14.353 10 1.4353 1.4353 120.9 13.605 10 1.3605 1.3605 124.3 14.742 10 1.4742 1.4742 127.3 14.546 10 1.4546 1.4546 130.1 13.424 10 1.3424 1.3424 133.2 19.791 10 1.9791 1.9791 135.5 23.553 10 2.3553 2.3553 138.8 28.408 10 2.8408 2.8408 141.6 33.359 10 3.3359 3.3359 145.2 28.408 10 2.8408 2.8408 151.6 16.191 10 1.6191 1.6191 154.4 12.555 10 1.2555 1.2555 163.1 37.63 10 3.763 3.763 166.2 50.518 10 5.0518 5.0518 168.7 111.29 10 11.129 11.129 172.6 130.69 10 13.069 13.069