Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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(at least one item)
Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
< Ecm(MeV) <
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6He + 48Ti,   Elab=7.9 MeV

R.J. Smith, J.J. Kolata, K. Lamkin, A. Morsad, K. Ashktorab, F.D. Becchetti, J.A. Brown, J.W. Janecke, W.Z. Liu, D.A. Roberts,
Physical Review, C43 (1991) 761
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: Beam resolution is 0.8 MeV
Target: natTi+H2
Data obtained: authors graph
The natural Ti target was used. Beam intensity was from 19000 to 5800 6He ions/(s emcA)-1 of 7Li. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
10.38 494780 26.305 130150 130150
11.57 424500 26.307 111670 111670
12.78 306490 25.816 79121 79121
13.96 199000 28.237 56190 56190
15.13 108020 27.756 29982 29982
15.75 63506 29.182 18532 18532
16.28 93294 30.578 28527 28527
16.92 88444 26.794 23697 23697
18.07 70076 27.278 19115 19115
19.23 58549 27.277 15970 15970
20.36 42274 30.116 12731 12731
21.49 25517 31.493 8036 8036
22.62 18547 37.154 6890.9 6890.9