Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
< Ecm(MeV) <
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6He + 1H,   EE/A=40.9 MeV

A.Lagoyannis, F.Auger, A.Musumarra, N.Alamanos, E.C.Pollacco, A.Pakou, Y.Blumenfeld, F.Braga, M.La Commara, A.Drouart, G.Fioni, A.Gillibert, E.Khan, V.Lapoux, W.Mittig, S.Ottini-Hustache, D.Pierroutsakou, M.Romoli, P.Roussel-Chomaz, M.Sandoli, D.Santonocito, J.A.Scarpaci, J.L.Sida, T.Suomijarvi, S.Karataglidis, K.Amos,
Physics Letters, B518 (2001) 27
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The beam intensity on the polypropylene (CH2)3 reaction target was 105 particles per seco
Target: A 1.48 mg/cm2 thick polypropylene target (density, 0.896 g/cm3) was used.
Data obtained: author data
The experiment was performed at the GANIL facility with a 40.9 A MeV 6He radioactive ion beam. 

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Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
10.662 464.646 2.773 12.88 12.88
12.62 421.399 2.314 9.75 9.75
14.59 375.484 1.198 4.495 4.495
16.491 341.561 1.209 4.129 4.129
18.413 321.937 1.185 3.814 3.814
20.354 283.037 1.278 3.617 3.617
22.306 275.649 1.293 3.562 3.562
24.21 242.329 1.436 3.479 3.479
28.139 168.72 3.773 6.365 6.365
30.046 148.206 3.394 5.029 5.029
32.07 118.893 3.027 3.598 3.598
33.99 88.466 3.033 2.683 2.683
35.881 82.462 2.946 2.429 2.429
37.861 66.703 2.886 1.925 1.925
39.861 53.618 2.847 1.526 1.526
41.767 39.595 3.044 1.205 1.205
43.672 33.92 3.167 1.074 1.074
45.677 21.995 3.97 0.873 0.873
47.576 20.214 4.161 0.841 0.841
49.585 13.332 4.958 0.661 0.661
51.496 11.03 5.177 0.571 0.571
53.489 7.129 6.846 0.488 0.488
55.493 5.094 7.401 0.377 0.377
57.4 2.653 10.932 0.29 0.29
59.516 3.441 9.126 0.314 0.314
61.417 1.865 12.333 0.23 0.23
63.458 1.526 13.5 0.206 0.206
65.402 1.661 13.547 0.225 0.225
67.348 1.291 13.711 0.177 0.177
69.475 0.655 20.764 0.136 0.136
70.949 0.779 24.262 0.189 0.189
73 0.782 19.31 0.151 0.151
75.351 0.651 37.942 0.247 0.247
77.248 0.721 34.952 0.252 0.252