Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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6Li + 24Mg,   Elab=20 MeV

K.Bethge, C.M.Fou, R.W.Zurmuhle,
Nuclear Physics, A123 (1969) 521-530
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The beam intensities on the target ranged from 20 to 150 nA of Li+++.
Target: A 40 mkg/cm2 thick Mg target (enriched to 99% in 24Mg).
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The Li beam of the University of Pennsylvania tandem accelerator was used. 

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Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
15.29 0.98999 5.145 0.050931 0.050931
18.74 0.90356 5.127 0.046323 0.046323
24.88 0.49395 6.367 0.031449 0.031449
27.92 0.41657 6.359 0.026486 0.026486
30.54 0.33768 5.127 0.017312 0.017312
36.68 0.1846 5.109 0.0094311 0.0094311
42.72 0.15375 6.376 0.0098023 0.0098023
48.42 0.088583 6.358 0.0056321 0.0056321
54.92 0.065545 7.6 0.004981 0.004981
60.57 0.047855 7.6 0.0036367 0.0036367
65.41 0.027207 7.6 0.0020675 0.0020675
71.87 0.024523 7.591 0.0018615 0.0018615
77.47 0.021245 8.799 0.0018692 0.0018692
82.82 0.0086933 7.583 0.00065913 0.00065913
88.95 0.0050092 11.159 0.00055897 0.00055897
92.74 0.0067851 8.79 0.00059641 0.00059641
98.34 0.0058012 8.799 0.00051042 0.00051042
103.2 0.0028537 5.109 0.00014579 0.00014579