7 Li + 54 Fe, Elab =36 MeV K.W.Kemper, A.F.Zeller, T.R.Ophel, D.F.Hebbard, A.Johnston, D.C.Weisser,Nuclear Physics, A320 (1979) 413-421 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: Beam currents of between 200 and 400 nA were obtained on target. Target: The targets were 100 mkg/cm2 54 Fe(> 98 %) on 10 mkg/cm2 carbon backings. Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4 ) The Li beams were extracted as negative ions from a duoplasmatron ion source and accelerated through the Australian National University 14UD Pelletron Accelerator.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 9.813 0.97848 6.285 0.061491 0.061491 11.01 1.0226 5.626 0.057523 0.057523 13.15 1.0454 6.097 0.063736 0.063736 15.06 1.0454 7.683 0.080311 0.080311 17.68 0.95715 5.814 0.055645 0.055645 19.71 0.78494 6.377 0.050048 0.050048 22.08 0.63047 8.163 0.051459 0.051459 24.12 0.51639 8.596 0.044388 0.044388 26.39 0.39639 7.766 0.030782 0.030782 28.77 0.29115 5.991 0.017441 0.017441 29.61 0.26658 7.299 0.019457 0.019457 30.32 0.24409 7.019 0.017132 0.017132 31.16 0.23356 7.669 0.01791 0.01791 31.87 0.21862 6.27 0.013707 0.013707 32.59 0.20017 7.575 0.015161 0.015161 33.3 0.19154 5.04 0.0096532 0.0096532 33.78 0.17538 3.118 0.005467 0.005467 34.38 0.16058 7.665 0.012307 0.012307 35.45 0.14382 5.322 0.0076541 0.0076541 36.28 0.12326 6.826 0.0084134 0.0084134 37 0.11291 6.585 0.0074346 0.0074346 37.65 0.10547 6.585 0.0069451 0.0069451 38.31 0.096725 6.45 0.006238 0.006238 39.26 0.088563 6.167 0.0054615 0.0054615 39.98 0.084744 6.823 0.0057813 0.0057813 40.97 0.07503 8.162 0.0061239 0.0061239 41.98 0.065474 6.585 0.0043113 0.0043113 44.1 0.051586 6.585 0.0033968 0.0033968 46.68 0.036697 6.585 0.0024164 0.0024164 48.61 0.030951 6.585 0.002038 0.002038 50.92 0.027009 6.585 0.0017785 0.0017785 51.28 0.022017 6.585 0.0014498 0.0014498 53.68 0.015931 6.585 0.001049 0.001049 55.15 0.013668 9.713 0.0013275 0.0013275 57.27 0.010953 6.585 0.00072125 0.00072125 59.67 0.0080618 4.981 0.0004015 0.0004015