Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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6Li + 54Fe,   Elab=38 MeV

K.W.Kemper, A.F.Zeller, T.R.Ophel, D.F.Hebbard, A.Johnston, D.C.Weisser,
Nuclear Physics, A320 (1979) 413-421
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: Beam currents of between 200 and 400 nA were obtained on target.
Target: The targets were 100 mkg/cm2 54Fe(> 98 %) on 10 mkg/cm2 carbon backings.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The Li beams were extracted as negative ions from a duoplasmatron ion source and accelerated through the Australian National University 14UD Pelletron Accelerator. 

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Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
10.87 1.0825 7.812 0.084557 0.084557
12.97 1.0825 7.812 0.084557 0.084557
15.17 0.97784 7.812 0.076383 0.076383
17.49 0.88332 7.812 0.068999 0.068999
19.59 0.67814 7.812 0.052972 0.052972
21.8 0.56473 7.812 0.044113 0.044113
24.12 0.46083 7.812 0.035997 0.035997
26.21 0.36847 7.812 0.028782 0.028782
28.53 0.25553 7.812 0.019961 0.019961
30.63 0.20432 5.918 0.012091 0.012091
32.84 0.17015 7.812 0.013291 0.013291
35.05 0.13605 9.668 0.013152 0.013152
37.14 0.09629 7.812 0.0075215 0.0075215
39.35 0.075442 7.812 0.005893 0.005893
41.67 0.064116 9.667 0.006198 0.006198
43.88 0.051266 9.667 0.0049558 0.0049558
45.98 0.034838 7.812 0.0027213 0.0027213
48.74 0.02568 7.812 0.0020059 0.0020059
50.28 0.023197 9.668 0.0022425 0.0022425
52.38 0.020533 9.667 0.0019849 0.0019849
54.48 0.013953 9.667 0.0013488 0.0013488
56.69 0.0094818 7.812 0.00074065 0.00074065
58.78 0.0072793 9.667 0.00070368 0.00070368
60.99 0.0069892 11.486 0.00080272 0.00080272