Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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7Li + 138Ba,   Elab=24 MeV

A.M.M.Maciel, P.R.S.Gomes, J.Lubian, R.M.Anjos, R.Cabezas, G.M.Santos, C.Muri, S.B.Moraes ,
Physical Review, C59 (1999) 2103-2107
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The beam intensitie on the targets was typically of the order of 100 nA for 7Li.
Target: The 138Ba targets (100–200 mkg/cm2 thick) were made by the evaporation of enriched BaCO3 on 15 mkg/cm2 carbon backings.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The experiments were performed at the 8UD Pelletron accelerator of the University of Sao Paulo.  

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Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
25.15 0.98474 9.847 0.096963 0.096963
29.84 0.98474 12.153 0.11967 0.11967
35.07 1.0106 9.847 0.099508 0.099508
40.03 0.95955 9.847 0.094482 0.094482
45.26 0.98474 9.847 0.096963 0.096963
50.22 0.93501 12.153 0.11363 0.11363
54.9 0.98474 9.847 0.096963 0.096963
60.14 0.98474 9.847 0.096963 0.096963
65.09 1.0106 9.847 0.099508 0.099508
69.78 1.0923 12.153 0.13274 0.13274
75.01 0.98474 9.847 0.096963 0.096963
79.97 0.95955 9.847 0.094482 0.094482
85.2 0.88778 9.847 0.087415 0.087415
90.16 0.80037 12.153 0.097266 0.097266
95.12 0.72156 9.847 0.071048 0.071048
100.1 0.63387 9.847 0.062414 0.062414
105.3 0.55684 12.153 0.067671 0.067671
110 0.46446 9.847 0.045733 0.045733
115.2 0.39758 9.847 0.039147 0.039147
120.2 0.34033 9.847 0.03351 0.03351
124.9 0.31487 7.48 0.023551 0.023551
129.8 0.26263 7.48 0.019644 0.019644
135.1 0.23677 9.847 0.023314 0.023314
140.3 0.21906 12.153 0.026622 0.026622
145.2 0.18272 9.847 0.017992 0.017992
149.9 0.17349 12.153 0.021084 0.021084
154.9 0.15241 12.153 0.018522 0.018522
160.1 0.13389 7.48 0.010014 0.010014
165.1 0.13389 14.4 0.01928 0.01928