Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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7Li + 118Sn,   Elab=18.15 MeV

K.O.Pfeiffer, E.Speth, K.Bethge,
Nuclear Physics, A206 (1973) 545-557
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: Self-supporting targets of 58Ni (enriched to 99.9%), 118Sn (enriched to 97%), and 120Sn (enriched to 98.4%) between 200 and 800 mkg/cm2 were used.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The measurements were performed at the Heidelberg tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. 

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Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
20 0.99579 6.819 0.067901 0.067901
25.04 1.0266 6.819 0.070003 0.070003
30.3 1.032 6.347 0.065499 0.065499
35.35 0.99142 5.396 0.053488 0.053488
40.18 0.98663 5.877 0.057978 0.057978
45.22 1.007 5.874 0.059147 0.059147
49.61 1.0021 5.396 0.054071 0.054071
55.1 1.0023 5.395 0.054066 0.054066
65.19 1.0129 5.396 0.054656 0.054656
75.28 1.0082 5.876 0.059239 0.059239
85.37 1.0397 6.818 0.070883 0.070883
95.46 0.99896 8.678 0.08668 0.08668
105.6 1.0044 7.756 0.077895 0.077895
115.2 0.96998 8.216 0.079693 0.079693
125.1 1.052 6.818 0.071722 0.071722
135.2 0.98063 8.219 0.080594 0.080594
145.3 0.94224 6.822 0.064274 0.064274