13 C + 208 Pb, Elab =390 MeV M.Buenerd, A.Lounis, J.Chauvin, D.Lebrun, P.Martin, G.Duhamel, J.C.Gondrand, P.De Saintignon,Nuclear Physics, A424 (1984) 313-334 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: no data Target: no data Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4 ) The data have been measured with the beams provided by SARA, the new heavy-ion facility of the ISN Grenoble.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 4.209 1.1515 6.582 0.07579 0.07579 4.49 1.1677 6.582 0.076854 0.076854 4.7 1.2167 6.578 0.080034 0.080034 4.981 1.1684 6.578 0.076853 0.076853 5.297 1.1068 6.59 0.072929 0.072929 5.543 1.0921 5.297 0.057843 0.057843 5.824 1.0631 6.578 0.06993 0.06993 6.139 1.0781 6.586 0.070996 0.070996 6.315 1.1081 5.297 0.058688 0.058688 6.63 1.1706 5.304 0.062087 0.062087 6.875 1.2706 5.305 0.067395 0.067395 7.12 1.324 7.839 0.10378 0.10378 7.401 1.2888 6.586 0.084877 0.084877 7.682 1.2718 6.594 0.083851 0.083851 7.928 1.255 7.846 0.098462 0.098462 8.209 1.0806 6.586 0.071165 0.071165 8.49 1.0519 7.847 0.082533 0.082533 8.738 0.85774 5.308 0.045527 0.045527 9.019 0.79066 6.582 0.052039 0.052039 9.3 0.69964 6.586 0.046075 0.046075 9.547 0.59428 6.586 0.039136 0.039136 9.828 0.57067 6.59 0.037603 0.037603 10.08 0.48473 7.85 0.038049 0.038049 10.6 0.33574 6.593 0.022135 0.022135 11.13 0.24224 6.586 0.015953 0.015953 11.66 0.15674 6.582 0.010316 0.010316 12.26 0.11006 6.578 0.0072395 0.0072395 12.72 0.076223 5.301 0.00404 0.00404 13.28 0.053521 7.843 0.0041972 0.0041972 13.82 0.031479 7.85 0.0024709 0.0024709 14.31 0.024985 6.586 0.0016453 0.0016453 14.73 0.015306 6.582 0.0010074 0.0010074 15.33 0.011823 6.571 0.00077684 0.00077684 16.43 0.0051563 6.586 0.00033957 0.00033957 17.45 0.0023107 6.578 0.00015199 0.00015199 18.51 0.0011237 6.59 0.000074044 0.000074044