Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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9Be + 144Sm,   Elab=48 MeV

P.R.S. Gomes, J.Lubian, B. Paes, V.N. Garcia, D.S. Monteiro, I. Padrón, J.M. Figueira, A. Arazi, O.A.Capurro, L. Fimiani, A.E. Negri, G.V.Martí, J.O. Fernandez Niello, A. Gómez-Camacho, L.F.Canto,
Nuclear Physics, A828 (2009) 233–252
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: Five 88.6% enriched 144Sm targets, with thicknesses from 170 mcg/cm2 to 220 mcg/cm2 on carbon backings of 20 mcg/cm2 were used.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The experiments were performed at the Tandar Laboratory, Buenos Aires. 

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Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
23.95 0.99027 2.891 0.028625 0.028625
26.82 0.98064 1.937 0.01899 0.01899
29.4 1 1.937 0.019365 0.019365
32.27 0.96165 1.937 0.018622 0.018622
35 0.91576 1.937 0.017734 0.017734
37.58 0.94302 1.937 0.018262 0.018262
40.31 1.0197 1.937 0.019747 0.019747
42.89 1.1027 2.891 0.031875 0.031875
45.04 0.86359 1.937 0.016723 0.016723
47.77 0.93385 1.937 0.018084 0.018084
50.5 0.85518 1.937 0.016561 0.016561
53.22 0.76051 1.937 0.014727 0.014727
55.23 0.66973 1.937 0.012969 0.012969
57.96 0.54011 1.937 0.010459 0.010459
60.68 0.41076 1.937 0.0079543 0.0079543
63.12 0.31856 2.891 0.0092082 0.0092082
65.85 0.26455 3.836 0.010147 0.010147
68.29 0.21335 4.772 0.010179 0.010179
71.16 0.13214 5.698 0.0075287 0.0075287
73.74 0.096636 3.836 0.0037064 0.0037064
76.47 0.069986 4.772 0.0033391 0.0033391
78.91 0.04922 7.084 0.0034867 0.0034867
81.2 0.039694 6.042 0.0023983 0.0023983
83.93 0.032012 7.524 0.0024085 0.0024085
86.23 0.020021 5.698 0.0011407 0.0011407
88.81 0.012894 8.425 0.0010862 0.0010862
91.54 0.011027 9.315 0.0010271 0.0010271
93.83 0.0080646 12.45 0.001004 0.001004
96.13 0.0069645 15.314 0.0010665 0.0010665
98.42 0.0039501 23.949 0.000946 0.000946
101.1 0.0029748 5.011 0.00014904 0.00014904