Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
< Ecm(MeV) <
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9Be + 27Al,   Elab=12 MeV

P. R. S. Gomes, R. M. Anjos, C. Muri, J. Lubian, I. Padron, L. C. Chamon, R. Liguori Neto, N. Added, J. O. Fernández Niello, G. V. Martí, O. A. Capurro, A. J. Pacheco, J. E. Testoni, D. Abriola,
Physical Review, C70 (2004) 054605
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: The Al target had a thickness of 60 mcg/cm2.
Data obtained: author data + author graph
The experiments were performed at the 8 UD Pelletron accelerator of the University of São Paulo and at the 20 UD accelerator of the TANDAR Laboratory, Buenos Aires. The uncertainties in the differential cross-section data vary from 1% to 8%. Numerical data are adopted from EXFOR data-base (SUBENT F0890002). 

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Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
19.95 1 6 0.06 0.06
26.55 0.979 6.027 0.059 0.059
33.1 0.945 6.032 0.057 0.057
39.59 0.955 7.959 0.076 0.076
46.02 0.982 7.943 0.078 0.078
52.37 1.021 8.032 0.082 0.082
58.63 0.973 8.017 0.078 0.078
64.79 0.959 8.03 0.077 0.077
70.85 0.956 7.95 0.076 0.076
76.78 0.901 7.992 0.072 0.072
82.58 0.773 9.962 0.077 0.077
88.25 0.658 10.031 0.066 0.066
93.78 0.595 9.916 0.059 0.059
99.16 0.561 9.983 0.056 0.056
104.39 0.469 10.022 0.047 0.047
109.47 0.399 10.026 0.04 0.04
114.39 0.453 9.934 0.045 0.045
118.9 0.43461 16.091 0.069932 0.069932
123.7 0.39811 14.231 0.056652 0.056652
128.1 0.39811 14.231 0.056652 0.056652
132.6 0.34903 14.231 0.049668 0.049668
137 0.29286 16.091 0.047124 0.047124
140.7 0.26245 14.231 0.037348 0.037348
144.8 0.29286 14.231 0.041676 0.041676
148.9 0.29936 12.329 0.036907 0.036907
152.6 0.28651 14.231 0.040772 0.040772
156.3 0.26245 14.231 0.037348 0.037348
159.6 0.22022 14.231 0.031338 0.031338
163.3 0.20173 16.091 0.032459 0.032459