9 Be + 64 Zn, Elab =17 MeV S.B.Moraes, P.R.S.Gomes, J.Lubian, J.J.S.Alves, R.M.Anjos, M.M.SantAnna, I.Padron, C.Muri, R.Liguori Neto, N.Added,Physical Review, C61 (2000) 064608 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: no data Target: The metallic Zn target had thickness of the order of 50 mcg/cm2 . Data obtained: EXFOR data base The elastic scattering experiments were also performed at the 8UD Pelletron accelerator of the University of Sao Paulo.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 28.41 1 1.8 0.018 0.018 34.03 0.979 1.839 0.018 0.018 39.63 0.999 2.003 0.02 0.02 45.19 1.01 2.08 0.021 0.021 50.71 0.981 2.243 0.022 0.022 56.18 0.984 2.541 0.025 0.025 61.61 1.028 2.724 0.028 0.028 67 1.053 3.039 0.032 0.032 72.32 1.069 3.649 0.039 0.039 77.59 0.938 2.026 0.019 0.019 82.81 0.996 2.209 0.022 0.022 87.96 0.981 2.345 0.023 0.023 93.05 0.947 2.535 0.024 0.024 98.08 0.943 2.758 0.026 0.026 103.05 0.967 2.896 0.028 0.028 107.96 1.004 3.387 0.034 0.034 112.81 0.943 3.5 0.033 0.033 117.59 0.899 3.671 0.033 0.033 122.32 0.947 3.908 0.037 0.037 127 0.912 3.729 0.034 0.034 131.61 0.882 3.629 0.032 0.032 136.18 0.87 3.794 0.033 0.033 140.71 0.849 3.887 0.033 0.033 145.19 0.868 4.033 0.035 0.035 149.63 0.814 4.3 0.035 0.035 149.63 0.788 5.838 0.046 0.046 154.03 0.854 4.216 0.036 0.036 158.41 0.811 4.439 0.036 0.036 162.76 0.799 5.257 0.042 0.042