Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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2H + 32S,   Elab=171 MeV

A.Korff, P.Haefner, A.M.van den Berg, N.Blasi, B.Davids, D.De Frenne, R.de Leo, D.Frekers, E.-W.Grewe, M.N.Harakeh, F.Hofmann, M. Hunyadi, E.Jacobs, B.C.Junk, A.Negret, P.von Neumann-Cosel, L.Popescu, S.Rakers, A.Richter, H.J.Wortche,
Physical Review, C70 (2004) 067601
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: not given
Target: S powder pressed pellet, thickness 8.6 mg/cm2, 95.0% enrichment
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
Experiment was performed at the KVI (Groningen) superconducting cyclotron AGOR. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
2.87 1.2682 13.601 0.17248 0.17248
3.222 1.5791 8.733 0.13789 0.13789
3.486 1.8614 8.733 0.16254 0.16254
3.662 2.2758 10.386 0.23635 0.23635
4.102 2.6827 12.008 0.32213 0.32213
4.102 3.4648 10.386 0.35982 0.35982
4.278 3.1623 12.008 0.37972 0.37972
4.454 4.1596 12.008 0.49947 0.49947
4.718 5.0857 10.386 0.52815 0.52815
4.982 5.9948 10.386 0.62256 0.62256
5.335 6.9386 8.733 0.60589 0.60589
5.687 8.179 15.166 1.2404 1.2404
6.303 9.1268 12.008 1.0959 1.0959
7.183 9.2951 15.167 1.4097 1.4097
8.151 8.179 13.601 1.1124 1.1124
8.768 6.9386 10.385 0.72057 0.72057
9.032 6.1054 12.008 0.73312 0.73312
9.208 5.3723 12.008 0.64509 0.64509
9.472 4.7272 13.602 0.64295 0.64295
9.648 4.0103 10.386 0.41647 0.41647
9.912 3.3405 10.385 0.34691 0.34691
10 2.7322 12.008 0.32807 0.32807
10.79 2.1154 10.386 0.21969 0.21969
11.5 2.5864 12.008 0.31057 0.31057
12.02 2.9936 12.008 0.35946 0.35946
12.38 3.7963 13.602 0.51635 0.51635
12.9 5.0857 12.008 0.61068 0.61068
13.26 6.1054 10.385 0.63404 0.63404
13.7 7.3296 10.385 0.76117 0.76117
14.58 8.4834 12.009 1.0187 1.0187
16.07 9.4665 16.703 1.5811 1.5811
17.22 8.6399 15.166 1.3103 1.3103
17.83 6.9386 10.385 0.72057 0.72057
18.45 6.1054 10.385 0.63404 0.63404
19.07 5.3723 10.385 0.55791 0.55791
19.6 4.7272 12.008 0.56763 0.56763
20.12 4.0842 10.386 0.42415 0.42415
20.56 3.5287 8.733 0.30814 0.30814
21.27 2.9936 10.385 0.31088 0.31088
22.24 2.9936 12.008 0.35946 0.35946
23.2 3.1623 10.385 0.3284 0.3284
24.08 3.28 13.602 0.44612 0.44612
24.61 2.9394 12.008 0.35295 0.35295
25.49 2.8861 12.008 0.34656 0.34656
26.46 2.6341 10.385 0.27355 0.27355
26.99 2.4484 12.008 0.294 0.294
27.69 2.3606 10.385 0.24514 0.24514
28.22 2.1544 12.008 0.2587 0.2587
28.66 2.0026 12.008 0.24046 0.24046
29.19 1.7302 13.602 0.23533 0.23533
29.63 1.6082 12.008 0.19311 0.19311
30.16 1.4412 13.602 0.19602 0.19602
30.95 1.1159 13.601 0.15177 0.15177
32.36 1 13.601 0.13601 0.13601
33.42 0.94665 13.602 0.12876 0.12876
34.12 0.83298 12.008 0.10002 0.10002
35.26 0.74648 13.602 0.10153 0.10153
36.32 0.6218 12.008 0.074664 0.074664
37.29 0.48144 12.008 0.05781 0.05781
38.35 0.40842 12.008 0.049042 0.049042
39.4 0.328 13.602 0.044612 0.044612
40.46 0.22346 13.602 0.030394 0.030394
41.51 0.19663 13.602 0.026744 0.026744
42.57 0.19307 13.602 0.02626 0.02626
49.88 0.037276 37.821 0.014098 0.014098
51.02 0.030488 35.506 0.010825 0.010825
51.99 0.046416 31.871 0.014793 0.014793