11 B + 12 C, Ecm =18.3 MeV S.Albergo, S.Costa, R.Potenza, J.Romanski, C.Tuve, L.Jarczyk, B.Kamys, A.Magiera, A.Strzalkowaki, R.Barna, V.DAmico, D.De Pasquale, G. Mannino,Physical Review, C43 (1991) 2704-2710 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: The beam intensity was usually adjusted to 30-50 nA. Target: Target was about 100 mcg/cm2 thick. Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4 ) The measurement were performed at the Laboratorio Nazionale del Sud in Catania using SMP Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. The estimated error of absolute normalization is 7%. For the very forward angular region beam was reduced to the value 1 nA on 20 mcg/cm2 target.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 8.364 0.9747 10.773 0.105 0.105 9.529 0.9261 7.388 0.06842 0.06842 11.03 0.9747 12.004 0.117 0.117 12.36 1 12.01 0.1201 0.1201 13.36 0.9261 9.728 0.09009 0.09009 14.36 0.836 9.728 0.08132 0.08132 15.19 0.7171 7.389 0.05298 0.05298 16.19 0.6641 9.728 0.0646 0.0646 17.19 0.419 7.39 0.03096 0.03096 18.68 0.4084 7.388 0.03017 0.03017 19.68 0.419 12.008 0.05031 0.05031 21.01 0.4524 9.729 0.04401 0.04401 22.18 0.4524 14.231 0.06438 0.06438 23.18 0.4084 9.729 0.03973 0.03973 24.34 0.3881 9.727 0.03775 0.03775 25.51 0.3415 12.006 0.041 0.041 26.51 0.2512 9.726 0.02443 0.02443 27.5 0.221 12.01 0.02654 0.02654 28.5 0.1848 12.008 0.02219 0.02219 29.83 0.1668 12.009 0.02003 0.02003 31.17 0.1585 12.007 0.01903 0.01903 32.5 0.1545 9.729 0.01503 0.01503 33.33 0.1848 9.725 0.01797 0.01797 34.33 0.1995 12.011 0.02396 0.02396 34.99 0.1945 12.006 0.02335 0.02335 36.49 0.1801 14.231 0.02563 0.02563 37.16 0.1585 12.007 0.01903 0.01903 37.99 0.1292 14.227 0.01838 0.01838 38.99 0.1053 12.004 0.01264 0.01264 39.99 0.06641 12.008 0.007974 0.007974 40.82 0.05552 9.729 0.005401 0.005401 41.82 0.03503 13.646 0.00478 0.00478 42.82 0.04524 13.648 0.006174 0.006174 43.81 0.05552 16.396 0.009103 0.009103 44.65 0.06813 14.231 0.009695 0.009695 45.65 0.07743 13.652 0.01057 0.01057 46.31 0.08799 12.013 0.01057 0.01057 47.31 0.1053 9.725 0.01024 0.01024 48.64 0.108 9.723 0.0105 0.0105 49.47 0.108 14.232 0.01537 0.01537 50.47 0.1026 16.394 0.01682 0.01682 51.3 0.09261 12.008 0.01112 0.01112 52.3 0.06813 9.727 0.006627 0.006627 124.4 0.1 9.727 0.009727 0.009727 125.2 0.1545 16.395 0.02533 0.02533 126.5 0.1668 12.009 0.02003 0.02003 127.5 0.2387 9.728 0.02322 0.02322 128.4 0.2154 10.78 0.02322 0.02322 129.4 0.2783 9.727 0.02707 0.02707 130.4 0.2929 12.008 0.03517 0.03517 131.5 0.2929 12.008 0.03517 0.03517 132.4 0.3082 13.647 0.04206 0.04206 133.4 0.2387 9.728 0.02322 0.02322 134.4 0.2047 10.777 0.02206 0.02206 135.4 0.1995 12.011 0.02396 0.02396 136.5 0.2268 12.007 0.02723 0.02723 137.3 0.2512 9.726 0.02443 0.02443 138.3 0.3687 9.727 0.03586 0.03586 139.3 0.5412 12.007 0.06498 0.06498 140.7 0.5275 9.728 0.05131 0.05131 141.3 0.7356 12.008 0.08833 0.08833 142.5 0.7547 9.728 0.07341 0.07341 143.3 0.8577 12.009 0.103 0.103 144.3 0.7547 9.728 0.07341 0.07341 145.3 0.5275 13.646 0.07198 0.07198 146.3 0.5843 9.728 0.05684 0.05684 147.3 0.5412 7.977 0.04317 0.04317 148.3 0.5412 14.23 0.07701 0.07701 149 0.615 9.729 0.05983 0.05983 150.3 0.7547 9.728 0.07341 0.07341 151.3 1.08 9.723 0.105 0.105 152.2 1.259 10.779 0.1357 0.1357 153.3 1.468 12.003 0.1762 0.1762 154.5 1.585 14.228 0.2255 0.2255 155.5 1.626 10.775 0.1752 0.1752 156.5 1.626 12.005 0.1952 0.1952 157.2 1.359 9.728 0.1322 0.1322 158.2 1.259 12.01 0.1512 0.1512 159.5 1.166 16.587 0.1934 0.1934 160.5 1.359 10.78 0.1465 0.1465 161.3 1.545 9.729 0.1503 0.1503 162 3.082 12.009 0.3701 0.3701 163.3 4.19 14.232 0.5963 0.5963 164.5 5.995 9.727 0.5831 0.5831 165.3 6.31 10.775 0.6799 0.6799 166.3 7.547 14.231 1.074 1.074 167.1 8.149 10.776 0.8781 0.8781 168.1 8.577 12.009 1.03 1.03 169.1 7.356 7.389 0.5435 0.5435 170.1 8.36 16.4 1.371 1.371