11 B + 12 C, Ecm =26.1 MeV S.Albergo, S.Costa, R.Potenza, J.Romanski, C.Tuve, L.Jarczyk, B.Kamys, A.Magiera, A.Strzalkowaki, R.Barna, V.DAmico, D.De Pasquale, G. Mannino,Physical Review, C43 (1991) 2704-2710 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: The beam intensity was usually adjusted to 30-50 nA. Target: Target was about 100 mcg/cm2 thick. Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4 ) The measurement were performed at the Laboratorio Nazionale del Sud in Catania using SMP Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. The estimated error of absolute normalization is 7%. For the very forward angular region beam was reduced to the value 1 nA on 20 mcg/cm2 target.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 8.697 0.9747 12.004 0.117 0.117 9.696 0.9261 7.388 0.06842 0.06842 10.86 0.8149 12.008 0.09785 0.09785 11.69 0.7356 12.008 0.08833 0.08833 12.52 0.631 9.728 0.06138 0.06138 13.19 0.5142 9.728 0.05002 0.05002 14.02 0.4524 12.01 0.05433 0.05433 15.02 0.3981 9.729 0.03873 0.03873 16.19 0.419 12.008 0.05031 0.05031 17.19 0.441 12.007 0.05295 0.05295 18.02 0.4524 12.01 0.05433 0.05433 19.02 0.4524 14.231 0.06438 0.06438 20.01 0.4084 14.232 0.05812 0.05812 21.01 0.3082 9.728 0.02998 0.02998 22.01 0.1711 9.732 0.01665 0.01665 30.67 0.1585 12.007 0.01903 0.01903 31.66 0.1026 9.728 0.00998 0.00998 32.5 0.04762 12.008 0.005718 0.005718 33.66 0.03687 12.008 0.004427 0.004427 34.49 0.02512 12.007 0.003016 0.003016 35.49 0.03244 12.01 0.003896 0.003896 36.49 0.04885 14.232 0.006952 0.006952 37.16 0.06989 9.729 0.006799 0.006799 38.16 0.08799 12.013 0.01057 0.01057 39.15 0.09747 12.004 0.0117 0.0117 39.99 0.09027 14.236 0.01285 0.01285 41.15 0.08149 9.728 0.007927 0.007927 42.15 0.02577 12.007 0.003094 0.003094 42.98 0.03503 14.231 0.004985 0.004985 43.98 0.01801 12.01 0.002163 0.002163 44.81 0.01259 9.73 0.001225 0.001225 45.98 0.01359 13.65 0.001855 0.001855 46.81 0.02644 13.646 0.003608 0.003608 47.81 0.03981 12.008 0.00478 0.00478 48.97 0.05412 13.646 0.007385 0.007385 49.97 0.0631 14.23 0.008979 0.008979 51.47 0.0631 12.007 0.007576 0.007576 52.64 0.04524 9.729 0.004401 0.004401 124.4 0.3594 9.728 0.03496 0.03496 125.5 0.4299 14.229 0.06117 0.06117 126.5 0.4084 16.399 0.06697 0.06697 127.5 0.3594 12.007 0.04315 0.04315 128.9 0.3503 12.007 0.04206 0.04206 130.4 0.3415 9.725 0.03321 0.03321 131.7 0.4642 14.229 0.06605 0.06605 132.7 0.5142 12.008 0.06174 0.06174 133.7 0.6813 12.008 0.08181 0.08181 135 0.631 9.728 0.06138 0.06138 135.9 0.5552 9.729 0.05401 0.05401 136.7 0.7171 12.007 0.0861 0.0861 137.7 0.6641 12.008 0.07974 0.07974 138.8 0.7171 13.646 0.09785 0.09785 140.5 0.631 9.728 0.06138 0.06138 141.7 0.5412 10.775 0.05831 0.05831 142.7 0.631 12.007 0.07576 0.07576 143.7 0.7743 12.007 0.09297 0.09297 144.5 0.6989 9.729 0.06799 0.06799 145.7 0.5843 9.728 0.05684 0.05684 146.3 1.227 9.732 0.1194 0.1194 147.5 1.359 12.009 0.1632 0.1632 155.3 1.359 22.583 0.3069 0.3069 156.5 3.981 14.231 0.5665 0.5665 157.5 4.19 16.397 0.687 0.687 158.3 4.19 9.728 0.4076 0.4076 159.7 4.299 13.646 0.5866 0.5866 160.6 3.687 9.727 0.3586 0.3586 161.6 3.162 12.009 0.3797 0.3797 162.6 3.005 16.397 0.4927 0.4927 163.5 3.687 14.232 0.5247 0.5247 164.3 3.981 9.729 0.3873 0.3873 165.3 9.501 12.01 1.141 1.141 166.3 11.96 12.007 1.436 1.436 167.3 14.31 14.228 2.036 2.036 168.6 16.68 12.009 2.003 2.003 169.6 19.45 12.006 2.335 2.335 170.6 19.95 7.389 1.474 1.474