11 B + 12 C, Ecm =33.9 MeV S.Albergo, S.Costa, R.Potenza, J.Romanski, C.Tuve, L.Jarczyk, B.Kamys, A.Magiera, A.Strzalkowaki, R.Barna, V.DAmico, D.De Pasquale, G. Mannino,Physical Review, C43 (1991) 2704-2710 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: The beam intensity was usually adjusted to 30-50 nA. Target: Target was about 100 mcg/cm2 thick. Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4 ) The measurement were performed at the Laboratorio Nazionale del Sud in Catania using SMP Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. The estimated error of absolute normalization is 7%. For the very forward angular region beam was reduced to the value 1 nA on 20 mcg/cm2 target.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 8.031 0.7764 7.311 0.05676 0.05676 8.867 0.6504 9.627 0.06261 0.06261 9.703 0.4924 9.627 0.0474 0.0474 10.87 0.3728 10.65 0.0397 0.0397 11.54 0.3123 9.626 0.03006 0.03006 12.71 0.3045 11.882 0.03618 0.03618 13.55 0.3544 11.883 0.04211 0.04211 14.39 0.4125 7.31 0.03015 0.03015 15.72 0.423 9.627 0.04072 0.04072 16.56 0.2968 9.627 0.02857 0.02857 17.4 0.2424 9.629 0.02334 0.02334 18.57 0.1577 11.884 0.01874 0.01874 19.57 0.08812 7.31 0.006441 0.006441 20.41 0.06183 7.311 0.00452 0.00452 21.41 0.08591 9.627 0.00827 0.00827 22.41 0.1321 2.563 0.003385 0.003385 23.25 0.179 11.883 0.02127 0.02127 24.25 0.2191 9.626 0.02109 0.02109 25.25 0.2191 9.626 0.02109 0.02109 26.09 0.1745 10.648 0.01858 0.01858 27.26 0.1256 2.563 0.003218 0.003218 28.1 0.0757 7.311 0.005534 0.005534 29.1 0.03045 2.499 0.0007607 0.0007607 30.1 0.01931 2.499 0.0004824 0.0004824 31.11 0.04022 7.31 0.00294 0.00294 32.11 0.08591 7.31 0.00628 0.00628 33.11 0.1355 16.392 0.02221 0.02221 34.12 0.1389 11.887 0.01651 0.01651 35.12 0.1321 11.885 0.0157 0.0157 35.79 0.0975 14.083 0.01373 0.01373 36.79 0.06029 16.232 0.009786 0.009786 37.63 0.03634 16.236 0.0059 0.0059 38.63 0.02364 10.652 0.002518 0.002518 39.64 0.01659 7.312 0.001213 0.001213 40.47 0.02751 7.311 0.002011 0.002011 41.64 0.03634 7.312 0.002657 0.002657 42.48 0.05312 7.886 0.004189 0.004189 43.48 0.06029 14.086 0.008492 0.008492 44.32 0.06183 9.627 0.005952 0.005952 45.32 0.0505 14.086 0.007113 0.007113 46.32 0.03285 16.232 0.005332 0.005332 47.33 0.02191 16.235 0.003557 0.003557 48.16 0.01499 14.09 0.002112 0.002112 49 0.01462 16.232 0.002373 0.002373 49.84 0.01745 16.23 0.002832 0.002832 51.01 0.03285 10.649 0.003498 0.003498 51.84 0.02616 18.322 0.004793 0.004793 124.2 0.1701 16.238 0.02762 0.02762 125.3 0.3123 16.232 0.05069 0.05069 126.1 0.2616 22.351 0.05847 0.05847 127.3 0.3285 14.086 0.04627 0.04627 128.4 0.3634 11.885 0.04319 0.04319 129.3 0.4125 18.323 0.07558 0.07558 130.3 0.4681 16.232 0.07598 0.07598 131.3 0.4564 16.232 0.07408 0.07408 132.1 0.5588 16.395 0.09161 0.09161 133.4 0.5179 14.088 0.07296 0.07296 134.4 0.4339 14.084 0.06111 0.06111 135.8 0.4339 11.883 0.05156 0.05156 137.1 0.4564 11.885 0.05424 0.05424 138 0.6342 20.373 0.1292 0.1292 139 0.6183 11.885 0.07348 0.07348 140.1 1.026 14.084 0.1445 0.1445 141.3 1.321 14.088 0.1861 0.1861 142 1.499 16.398 0.2458 0.2458 143.1 1.577 9.626 0.1518 0.1518 144.3 1.425 11.888 0.1694 0.1694 145.3 1.256 14.085 0.1769 0.1769 146.2 1.107 9.621 0.1065 0.1065 147.2 1.107 9.621 0.1065 0.1065 148 1.617 9.629 0.1557 0.1557 149 2.031 9.626 0.1955 0.1955 150.2 2.616 11.881 0.3108 0.3108 151 2.968 9.627 0.2857 0.2857 152.2 3.285 11.882 0.3903 0.3903 153.5 2.968 11.887 0.3528 0.3528 154.3 2.55 14.087 0.3592 0.3592 155.4 2.305 11.883 0.2739 0.2739 156.4 2.305 11.883 0.2739 0.2739 157.2 2.616 11.881 0.3108 0.3108 158 3.544 11.883 0.4211 0.4211 159 5.312 11.885 0.6313 0.6313 160 6.842 11.884 0.8131 0.8131 161 7.764 10.652 0.827 0.827 162 7.197 11.885 0.8553 0.8553 163.2 6.504 9.627 0.6261 0.6261 163.7 5.878 14.087 0.828 0.828 164.9 6.342 9.625 0.6104 0.6104 166.1 8.167 11.885 0.9706 0.9706 167.1 12.56 9.626 1.209 1.209 168.1 16.59 10.651 1.767 1.767 169.2 21.91 10.653 2.334 2.334 170.1 24.24 11.886 2.881 2.881