Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
< Ecm(MeV) <
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11B + 12C,   Ecm=36.5 MeV

S.Albergo, S.Costa, R.Potenza, J.Romanski, C.Tuve, L.Jarczyk, B.Kamys, A.Magiera, A.Strzalkowaki, R.Barna, V.DAmico, D.De Pasquale, G. Mannino,
Physical Review, C43 (1991) 2704-2710
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The beam intensity was usually adjusted to 30-50 nA.
Target: Target was about 100 mcg/cm2 thick.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The measurement were performed at the Laboratorio Nazionale del Sud in Catania using SMP Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. The estimated error of absolute normalization is 7%. For the very forward angular region beam was reduced to the value 1 nA on 20 mcg/cm2 target. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
7.195 0.6989 7.389 0.05164 0.05164
8.198 0.6813 9.727 0.06627 0.06627
9.034 0.5275 9.728 0.05131 0.05131
10.04 0.3782 10.778 0.04076 0.04076
10.87 0.2783 9.727 0.02707 0.02707
11.88 0.2644 12.009 0.03175 0.03175
13.05 0.3162 12.009 0.03797 0.03797
13.72 0.3782 7.391 0.02795 0.02795
14.72 0.419 9.728 0.04076 0.04076
15.72 0.3881 9.727 0.03775 0.03775
16.73 0.2577 9.729 0.02507 0.02507
17.56 0.1848 12.008 0.02219 0.02219
18.73 0.1026 7.388 0.00758 0.00758
19.74 0.05552 7.389 0.004102 0.004102
20.41 0.05995 2.526 0.001514 0.001514
21.41 0.1108 2.526 0.002798 0.002798
22.41 0.1711 2.527 0.004323 0.004323
23.42 0.2154 9.731 0.02096 0.02096
24.59 0.221 9.729 0.0215 0.0215
25.09 0.2047 4.988 0.01021 0.01021
26.26 0.1359 2.527 0.003434 0.003434
27.26 0.07743 14.233 0.01102 0.01102
28.26 0.03162 2.592 0.0008195 0.0008195
29.27 0.01668 7.387 0.001232 0.001232
30.1 0.03082 7.389 0.002277 0.002277
30.94 0.07547 0 0 0
31.94 0.1196 9.733 0.01164 0.01164
32.78 0.1431 12.006 0.01718 0.01718
33.95 0.1259 12.01 0.01512 0.01512
34.95 0.09261 7.388 0.006842 0.006842
35.96 0.05275 12.008 0.006334 0.006334
36.79 0.02512 16.398 0.004119 0.004119
37.63 0.0221 12.01 0.002654 0.002654
38.8 0.02512 10.777 0.002707 0.002707
39.64 0.03782 2.527 0.0009554 0.0009554
40.64 0.05412 7.388 0.003998 0.003998
41.64 0.05552 7.978 0.004429 0.004429
42.31 0.06641 14.23 0.00945 0.00945
43.48 0.06989 9.729 0.006799 0.006799
44.48 0.05552 14.231 0.007901 0.007901
45.49 0.03782 12.01 0.004542 0.004542
46.32 0.021 12.01 0.002522 0.002522
47.16 0.01756 14.226 0.002498 0.002498
48.33 0.01711 12.011 0.002055 0.002055
49.17 0.02448 12.01 0.00294 0.00294
50.34 0.03503 10.777 0.003775 0.003775
51.01 0.0419 18.509 0.007755 0.007755
52.01 0.03594 16.397 0.005893 0.005893
124.2 0.1468 16.397 0.02407 0.02407
125.3 0.1995 16.402 0.03272 0.03272
126.1 0.2387 14.228 0.03396 0.03396
127.1 0.2644 12.009 0.03175 0.03175
128.1 0.3005 12.007 0.03608 0.03608
128.9 0.3503 9.729 0.03408 0.03408
129.6 0.3981 12.008 0.0478 0.0478
130.4 0.4299 12.008 0.05162 0.05162
131.1 0.4524 12.01 0.05433 0.05433
132.3 0.5696 14.23 0.08105 0.08105
133.3 0.631 12.007 0.07576 0.07576
134.4 0.615 12.009 0.07385 0.07385
135.1 0.3782 9.728 0.03679 0.03679
136.1 0.4299 12.008 0.05162 0.05162
137.3 0.5012 9.727 0.04875 0.04875
138.5 0.5275 16.397 0.08649 0.08649
139 0.631 16.593 0.1047 0.1047
140.1 0.7743 12.007 0.09297 0.09297
141.5 1.325 12.008 0.1591 0.1591
142.5 1.359 14.232 0.1934 0.1934
143.3 1.506 9.728 0.1465 0.1465
144.1 1.626 9.73 0.1582 0.1582
145.3 1.506 9.728 0.1465 0.1465
146.7 1.506 9.728 0.1465 0.1465
147.8 1.711 12.011 0.2055 0.2055
149 1.801 9.728 0.1752 0.1752
150.2 2.783 12.006 0.3341 0.3341
151.3 2.783 12.006 0.3341 0.3341
152.3 3.981 12.008 0.478 0.478
153.3 3.981 12.008 0.478 0.478
154 3.415 12.006 0.41 0.41
154.7 3.162 12.009 0.3797 0.3797
155.4 2.783 12.006 0.3341 0.3341
156.2 2.1 12.01 0.2522 0.2522
157.2 2.855 12.008 0.3428 0.3428
158.4 3.594 10.777 0.3873 0.3873
159.2 5.012 7.389 0.3703 0.3703
160.2 7.171 9.727 0.6975 0.6975
161 8.577 14.236 1.221 1.221
162.2 10 9.727 0.9727 0.9727
163.4 7.943 12.009 0.9538 0.9538
164.2 9.027 12.009 1.084 1.084
165.2 6.989 18.515 1.294 1.294
166.2 8.149 9.728 0.7927 0.7927
167.1 14.31 9.728 1.392 1.392
168.4 14.68 7.385 1.084 1.084
169.1 22.1 9.729 2.15 2.15
170.2 29.29 7.389 2.164 2.164
171.2 30.05 9.728 2.923 2.923