Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
< Ecm(MeV) <
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11B + 12C,   Ecm=41.7 MeV

S.Albergo, S.Costa, R.Potenza, J.Romanski, C.Tuve, L.Jarczyk, B.Kamys, A.Magiera, A.Strzalkowaki, R.Barna, V.DAmico, D.De Pasquale, G. Mannino,
Physical Review, C43 (1991) 2704-2710
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The beam intensity was usually adjusted to 30-50 nA.
Target: Target was about 100 mcg/cm2 thick.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The measurement were performed at the Laboratorio Nazionale del Sud in Catania using SMP Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. The estimated error of absolute normalization is 7%. For the very forward angular region beam was reduced to the value 1 nA on 20 mcg/cm2 target. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
7.362 0.6754 9.937 0.06711 0.06711
8.365 0.5926 9.936 0.05888 0.05888
9.369 0.4002 9.938 0.03977 0.03977
10.37 0.2633 11.034 0.02905 0.02905
11.21 0.231 12.265 0.02833 0.02833
12.21 0.2774 9.939 0.02757 0.02757
12.88 0.3604 12.265 0.0442 0.0442
13.72 0.3798 7.549 0.02867 0.02867
14.89 0.4108 9.937 0.04082 0.04082
16.06 0.3162 12.265 0.03878 0.03878
17.06 0.1082 9.936 0.01075 0.01075
18.06 0.05337 12.262 0.006544 0.006544
18.9 0.03421 12.263 0.004195 0.004195
20.07 0.07117 14.529 0.01034 0.01034
20.91 0.1405 2.583 0.003629 0.003629
21.91 0.2192 7.551 0.01655 0.01655
22.75 0.2434 7.552 0.01838 0.01838
23.75 0.2136 9.935 0.02122 0.02122
24.59 0.1602 7.547 0.01209 0.01209
25.59 0.09006 7.55 0.006799 0.006799
26.43 0.03001 9.937 0.002982 0.002982
27.76 0.0152 5.099 0.0007749 0.0007749
28.6 0.03081 7.55 0.002326 0.002326
29.6 0.07117 7.55 0.005373 0.005373
30.44 0.117 7.55 0.008833 0.008833
31.27 0.1334 12.257 0.01635 0.01635
32.61 0.111 9.937 0.01103 0.01103
33.45 0.07117 9.937 0.007072 0.007072
34.28 0.04329 11.033 0.004776 0.004776
35.29 0.02633 12.264 0.003229 0.003229
36.29 0.02192 14.531 0.003185 0.003185
37.13 0.03798 9.937 0.003774 0.003774
37.96 0.05623 7.55 0.004245 0.004245
39.13 0.07902 9.937 0.007852 0.007852
39.97 0.08111 12.264 0.009947 0.009947
40.81 0.07499 5.373 0.004029 0.004029
41.98 0.04444 7.55 0.003355 0.003355
42.98 0.04108 8.167 0.003355 0.003355
43.82 0.03001 9.937 0.002982 0.002982
44.82 0.01688 5.098 0.0008604 0.0008604
45.82 0.01825 9.94 0.001814 0.001814
46.66 0.02703 7.551 0.002041 0.002041
47.66 0.03246 12.265 0.003981 0.003981
48.67 0.03604 9.939 0.003582 0.003582
49.5 0.04108 12.264 0.005038 0.005038
50.5 0.04002 9.938 0.003977 0.003977
51.34 0.037 12.263 0.004537 0.004537
52.34 0.02499 12.261 0.003064 0.003064
124.6 0.1874 14.526 0.02722 0.02722
125.6 0.231 12.265 0.02833 0.02833
126.8 0.152 14.527 0.02208 0.02208
128.6 0.114 14.527 0.01656 0.01656
129.8 0.2371 12.265 0.02908 0.02908
130.6 0.3001 9.937 0.02982 0.02982
131.6 0.37 12.263 0.04537 0.04537
132.4 0.4329 12.262 0.05308 0.05308
133.6 0.4561 12.265 0.05594 0.05594
134.6 0.5623 14.53 0.0817 0.0817
135.6 0.5623 12.264 0.06896 0.06896
136.8 0.6754 12.263 0.08282 0.08282
138 0.6754 9.937 0.06711 0.06711
138.5 0.8111 12.264 0.09947 0.09947
139.6 1.14 9.939 0.1133 0.1133
140.3 0.949 12.266 0.1164 0.1164
141.8 0.8111 9.938 0.0806 0.0806
142.6 1.233 12.263 0.1512 0.1512
143.5 1.732 12.264 0.2124 0.2124
144.6 1.825 14.532 0.2652 0.2652
145.7 1.825 9.94 0.1814 0.1814
146.5 1.923 9.938 0.1911 0.1911
148 1.825 9.94 0.1814 0.1814
149.5 1.778 12.267 0.2181 0.2181
150.7 1.825 9.94 0.1814 0.1814
151.3 2.633 9.936 0.2616 0.2616
152.7 3.511 12.265 0.4306 0.4306
153.7 4.682 12.264 0.5742 0.5742
155.2 5.065 12.263 0.6211 0.6211
156.5 4.682 12.264 0.5742 0.5742
157.5 4.329 9.938 0.4302 0.4302
158.5 3.332 12.263 0.4086 0.4086
159.5 4.108 9.937 0.4082 0.4082
160.5 5.926 12.263 0.7267 0.7267
161.4 8.111 12.264 0.9947 0.9947
162.4 11.4 12.264 1.398 1.398
163.5 12.99 7.55 0.9807 0.9807
164.7 11.7 9.941 1.163 1.163
165.6 11.1 9.937 1.103 1.103
166.4 9.245 9.938 0.9187 0.9187
167.4 12.01 9.934 1.193 1.193
168.4 18.74 12.263 2.298 2.298
169.4 27.74 12.264 3.402 3.402
170.6 34.21 12.263 4.195 4.195
171.6 40.02 9.938 3.977 3.977