10 B + 12 C, Elab =100 MeV C.W.Towsley, P.K.Bindal, K.I.Kubo, K.G.Nair, K.Nagatani,Physical Review, C15 (1977) 281-286 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: not given Target: Natural 12 C foil target of 200-400 mcg/cm2 Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4 ) Experiment was performed usin the Texas A&M University cyclotron.
Θcm (deg) dσ/dΩ (mb/sr) error (%) +δσ -δσ 12.42 976.7 10.139 99.02 99.02 14.25 690.4 7.634 52.7 52.7 14.72 452 9.934 44.9 44.9 16.23 232 9.065 21.03 21.03 16.65 111.1 10.136 11.26 11.26 18.3 43.47 7.978 3.468 3.468 19.99 122.2 6.878 8.404 8.404 21.98 100 5.92 5.92 5.92 23.11 57.36 5.032 2.886 2.886 23.96 34.69 10.047 3.485 3.485 24.57 22.89 10.14 2.321 2.321 26.13 9.732 10.139 0.9867 0.9867 27.32 14.23 5.768 0.8207 0.8207 28.21 22.62 7.98 1.805 1.805 29.26 25.47 7.979 2.032 2.032 31.21 14.75 7.98 1.177 1.177 33.88 0.4034 9.968 0.04021 0.04021 34.72 4.175 7.634 0.3187 0.3187 35.19 4.766 10.047 0.4788 0.4788 36.5 6.734 7.979 0.5373 0.5373 38.58 4.52 7.633 0.345 0.345