Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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19F + 12C,   Elab=40 MeV

Ursula C.Voos, W.Von Oertzen, R.Bock,
Nuclear Physics, A135 (1969) 207-224
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: not given
Target: no data
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)

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Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
32.85 0.9495 15.693 0.149 0.149
34.97 0.81 14.939 0.121 0.121
37.75 0.7304 10.741 0.07845 0.07845
38.66 0.6595 8.375 0.05523 0.05523
40.65 0.5457 12.295 0.06709 0.06709
43.01 0.3735 12.37 0.0462 0.0462
46.1 0.3524 12.293 0.04332 0.04332
48.46 0.3136 12.37 0.03879 0.03879
49.91 0.3046 7.561 0.02303 0.02303
53.54 0.2448 8.375 0.0205 0.0205
56.99 0.2243 7.027 0.01576 0.01576
60.44 0.2025 10.741 0.02175 0.02175
62.43 0.1725 7.032 0.01213 0.01213
65.52 0.147 9.137 0.01343 0.01343
67.7 0.1347 4.469 0.006019 0.006019
68.06 0.1164 9.7 0.01129 0.01129
70.78 0.1066 12.299 0.01311 0.01311
72.41 0.1006 8.375 0.008425 0.008425
74.23 0.08203 7.561 0.006202 0.006202
78.22 0.07627 7.029 0.005361 0.005361
79.86 0.07408 7.029 0.005207 0.005207
81.49 0.07091 8.374 0.005938 0.005938
86.39 0.04135 14.017 0.005796 0.005796
88.02 0.04075 13.564 0.005527 0.005527
113.1 0.0113 16.045 0.001813 0.001813
116.9 0.01051 14.805 0.001556 0.001556
119.1 0.01082 16.045 0.001736 0.001736
124.5 0.01051 14.805 0.001556 0.001556
126.7 0.01098 17.259 0.001895 0.001895
130.5 0.01035 16.049 0.001661 0.001661
134.9 0.01427 16.048 0.00229 0.00229
138.1 0.006785 19.632 0.001332 0.001332
142.1 0.003625 24.191 0.0008769 0.0008769
146.3 0.007192 18.465 0.001328 0.001328
150.1 0.009767 20.805 0.002032 0.002032