Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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19F + 208Pb,   Elab=96 MeV

C.J. Lin, J.C. Xu, H.Q. Zhang, Z.H. Liu, F. Yang, L.X. Lu,
Physical Review, C63 (2001) 064606
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The beam current range was 100–300 enA.
Target: A 208Pb target of thickness about 100 mg/cm2 evaporated on a 20 mg/cm2 carbon foil backing.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The experiment was carried out at HI-13 tandem accelerator of China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing.  

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Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
66.77 0.98736 3.745 0.036972 0.036972
70.74 1 2.513 0.025122 0.025122
73.98 0.98736 2.513 0.024804 0.024804
75.01 1 2.513 0.025122 0.025122
79.13 1.0522 4.962 0.052203 0.052203
83.1 0.93837 2.513 0.023574 0.023574
87.08 1.0522 3.745 0.0394 0.0394
88.7 1.0128 3.745 0.037925 0.037925
91.2 1.0389 3.745 0.038902 0.038902
93.55 1.0793 7.932 0.085609 0.085609
95.32 0.90324 4.962 0.044812 0.044812
98.55 1.0931 1.281 0.013995 0.013995
99.14 0.96255 2.513 0.024181 0.024181
103.1 1.1357 2.513 0.02853 0.02853
103.3 0.96255 6.163 0.059319 0.059319
107.2 0.93837 3.891 0.036505 0.036505
108 0.71838 8.521 0.061206 0.061206
110.8 0.67411 8.52 0.057434 0.057434
111.9 0.72758 3.891 0.028304 0.028304
114.9 0.53614 7.349 0.0394 0.0394
115.8 0.46024 7.349 0.033822 0.033822
117.4 0.49046 8.521 0.041788 0.041788
118.7 0.39009 3.745 0.014607 0.014607
122.5 0.30633 3.745 0.011471 0.011471
124.4 0.28382 13.059 0.037063 0.037063
126.4 0.26633 3.745 0.0099727 0.0099727
130.2 0.16847 3.745 0.0063084 0.0063084
133.4 0.14279 15.243 0.021765 0.021765
134 0.16634 3.891 0.0064709 0.0064709
137.7 0.12414 7.35 0.0091231 0.0091231
142.8 0.083686 37.443 0.031334 0.031334
145 0.080552 4.962 0.0039964 0.0039964
148.9 0.05031 7.349 0.0036972 0.0036972
152.6 0.041045 22.465 0.0092204 0.0092204
156.4 0.033915 29.07 0.009859 0.009859