Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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4He + 6Li,   Elab=17.04 MeV

H. G. Bingham, K. W. Kemper, N. R. Fletcher,
Nuclear Physics, A175 (1971) 374-384
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: The 6Li used in target preparation was 99.32% enriched metallic samples.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The elastic scattering measurements were performed using an alpha-particle beam obtained from the Florida State University model EN Tandem Van de Graaff accelerator.  

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Θcm (deg)dσ/dΩ (mb/sr)error (%)+δσ-δσ
22.2 850.9 7.846 66.76 66.76
26 459.3 6.597 30.3 30.3
30.2 209.4 7.847 16.43 16.43
33.7 57.61 7.845 4.519 4.519
37.9 20.34 7.847 1.596 1.596
41.8 12.33 8.476 1.045 1.045
46 17.47 7.219 1.261 1.261
50.1 20.9 7.847 1.64 1.64
54.2 25.01 7.218 1.805 1.805
58.5 20.52 7.218 1.481 1.481
62.7 15.69 7.846 1.231 1.231
66.6 13.41 8.352 1.12 1.12
70.1 12.35 7.281 0.8991 0.8991
74 13.55 8.347 1.131 1.131
81.5 10.91 7.846 0.8559 0.8559
85.1 10.35 7.216 0.7468 0.7468
88.5 8.344 7.847 0.6547 0.6547
91.9 5.85 7.843 0.4588 0.4588
99.7 3.23 7.836 0.2531 0.2531
106 5.35 7.815 0.4181 0.4181
110 9.729 8.472 0.8242 0.8242
116 16.5 7.843 1.294 1.294
119 17.89 7.843 1.403 1.403
121 21.28 7.28 1.549 1.549
124 24.18 7.846 1.897 1.897
127 25.31 7.223 1.828 1.828
130 23.19 7.219 1.674 1.674
131 21.13 7.814 1.651 1.651
132 19.03 6.737 1.282 1.282
135 15.79 7.854 1.24 1.24
136 15.16 7.844 1.189 1.189
140 8.571 7.847 0.6725 0.6725
146 6.517 7.225 0.4708 0.4708
151 7.486 7.222 0.5406 0.5406
155 12.33 7.218 0.8899 0.8899