Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
< Ecm(MeV) <
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1H + 6Li,   Elab=29.9 MeV

K.H. Bray, Mahavir Jain, K.S. Jayaraman, G. Lobianco, G.A. Moss, W.T.H. Van Oers, D.O. Wells, F.Petrovich,
Nuclear Physics, A189 (1972) 35-64
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The beam spot on the target was typically 3 mm wide by 5 mm high. The incident beam energy was known with an accuracy of +200 keV and with energy spread of the order of 200 keV FWHM.
Target: 6Li Self-supporting targets enriched to 99.3% were made from lithium metal. A total of nine different targets were prepared with an average thickness of 6 mg/cm2.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The experiment was performed using the momentum-analyzed proton beam from the University of Manitoba sector-focused cyclotron.  

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Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
23.2 23.3 6.249 1.456 1.456
29.2 39.77 6.815 2.71 2.71
34.7 52.93 6.653 3.521 3.521
40.3 58.04 6.039 3.505 3.505
46.3 54.53 5.808 3.167 3.167
51.6 45.44 6.25 2.84 2.84
57.2 33.66 5.714 1.923 1.923
62.8 24.76 5.808 1.438 1.438
68.1 18.28 6.248 1.142 1.142
73.6 16.56 6.057 1.003 1.003
78.9 17.39 6.245 1.086 1.086
84.4 19.73 6.478 1.278 1.278
89 22.97 7.297 1.676 1.676
94.4 26.08 7.002 1.826 1.826
99.3 29.32 6.447 1.89 1.89
105 29.64 6.249 1.852 1.852
109 28.57 7.001 2 2
114 26.93 6.436 1.733 1.733
119 24.11 6.417 1.547 1.547
123 21.09 6.994 1.475 1.475
128 18.47 6.627 1.224 1.224
133 15.94 6.487 1.034 1.034
137 13.92 5.783 0.8049 0.8049
142 11.89 5.429 0.6455 0.6455
146 10.9 7.902 0.8613 0.8613
150 10.45 7.005 0.732 0.732
155 9.953 6.816 0.6783 0.6783
159 9.88 7.003 0.6918 0.6918
164 10.23 6.039 0.6177 0.6177
168 10.43 6.061 0.6321 0.6321
172 12.85 5.693 0.7315 0.7315