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1H + 6Li, Elab=49.5 MeV
K.H. Bray, Mahavir Jain, K.S. Jayaraman, G. Lobianco, G.A. Moss, W.T.H. Van Oers, D.O. Wells, F.Petrovich, Nuclear Physics, A189 (1972) 35-64
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
Beam quality: The beam spot on the target was typically 3 mm wide by 5 mm high. The incident beam energy was known with an accuracy of +200 keV and with energy spread of the order of 200 keV FWHM. Target: 6Li Self-supporting targets enriched to 99.3% were made from lithium metal. A total of nine different targets were prepared with an average thickness of 6 mg/cm2. Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)The experiment was performed using the momentum-analyzed proton beam from the University of Manitoba sector-focused cyclotron.