Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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6He + 12C,   EE/A=82.3 MeV

J.L. Lou, Y.L. Ye, D. Y. Pang, Z. X. Cao, D. X. Jiang, Zheng, H. Hua, Z. H. Li, X. Q. Li, Y. C. Ge, L. H. Lv, J. Xiao, Q. T. Li, R. Qiao, H. B. You, R. J. Chen, H. Sakurai, H. Otsu, M. Nishimura, S. Sakaguchi, H. Baba, Y. Togano, K. Yoneda, C. Li, S. Wang, H. Wang, K. A. Li, T. Nakamura, Y. Nakayama, Y. Kondo, S. Deguchi, Y. Satou, K. Tshoo,
Physical Review, C83 (2011) 034612
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: The beam intensity at the physical target position amounts to 3*105 pps with a purity of 85% for 6He.
Target: A CH2 foil with a thickness of 83 mg/cm2 and a carbon film with a thickness of 133.9 mg/cm2 were mounted as the physical targets.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The experiment was carried out at the RIKEN projectile fragment separator (RIPS) radioactive ion beam line. The secondarybeam of 6He at 82.3 MeV/nucleon was produced from a 115 MeV/u 13C primary beam impinged on a 9Be target with a thickness of 12 mm. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
1.12 0.409 14 0.0573 0.0573
1.89 0.746 14 0.1045 0.1045
2.62 2.676 15.2 0.4068 0.4068
3.35 4.263 12.6 0.5372 0.5372
4.12 4.014 14 0.562 0.562
4.85 2.716 14 0.3803 0.3803
5.58 2.168 12.6 0.2732 0.2732
9.75 2.676 17.7 0.4737 0.4737
11.3 5.34 21.4 1.1428 1.1428
12.8 6.999 12.6 0.8819 0.8819
12.8 5.421 20.2 1.0951 1.0951
14.2 6.114 19.8 1.2106 1.2106
14.3 4.807 15.2 0.7307 0.7307
15.7 5.105 22.5 1.1487 1.1487
17.3 2.841 18 0.5114 0.5114
17.3 2.234 26 0.5809 0.5809
18.7 2.884 33 0.9518 0.9518
18.7 2.268 29.2 0.6623 0.6623
20.2 1.243 55.6 0.6912 0.6912
21.7 2.372 88 2.0874 2.0874