Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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14N + 28Si,   Elab=84 MeV

T. Yamaya, O. Satoh, S.M. Morita, K. Kotajima, K. Hasegawa, T. Shinozuka, M. Fujioka,
Physical Review, C37 (1988) 2585
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: The target was a selfsupporting natural Si metal, 180 mcg/cm2 in thicjness.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
Experiment performed with the Tohoku University model 680 cyclotron. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
8.465 1.0649 7.61 0.081036 0.081036
10.06 1.1375 6.383 0.072606 0.072606
11.55 1.0649 7.61 0.081036 0.081036
13.04 0.93326 6.384 0.059571 0.059571
14.64 0.74578 6.384 0.047604 0.047604
15.55 0.67108 6.384 0.042836 0.042836
16.12 0.58815 6.384 0.037542 0.037542
16.69 0.46383 6.384 0.029607 0.029607
17.61 0.40118 6.384 0.025608 0.025608
18.52 0.35627 7.61 0.027112 0.027112
19.66 0.32484 7.61 0.02472 0.02472
20.81 0.25282 7.611 0.01924 0.01924
21.72 0.17707 7.61 0.013475 0.013475
22.63 0.15114 6.384 0.0096475 0.0096475
23.78 0.14721 7.61 0.011202 0.011202
24.69 0.13246 8.238 0.010911 0.010911
25.15 0.10726 7.61 0.0081622 0.0081622
25.72 0.096515 6.384 0.0061606 0.0061606
26.18 0.07815 6.384 0.0049884 0.0049884
26.63 0.056941 8.821 0.0050226 0.0050226
27.55 0.046719 7.61 0.0035553 0.0035553
28.46 0.046719 7.61 0.0035553 0.0035553
29.6 0.051238 7.61 0.0038992 0.0038992
30.75 0.04925 6.384 0.0031437 0.0031437
31.32 0.032719 6.384 0.0020885 0.0020885
32.35 0.019051 7.61 0.0014497 0.0014497
33.49 0.014441 7.611 0.001099 0.001099
34.63 0.01982 6.383 0.0012651 0.0012651
35.66 0.018071 6.384 0.0011535 0.0011535
36.92 0.012006 6.383 0.00076634 0.00076634
37.94 0.0064583 7.61 0.00049147 0.00049147
39.09 0.0030448 21.137 0.00064357 0.00064357
40 0.0044053 14.641 0.00064497 0.00064497
40.92 0.006719 15.617 0.0010493 0.0010493
41.94 0.006719 15.617 0.0010493 0.0010493
42.97 0.0039121 21.882 0.00085602 0.00085602
44.11 0.0015133 24.197 0.00036616 0.00036616
46.17 0.00091666 31.789 0.00029139 0.00029139
47.89 0.0023081 19.028 0.00043918 0.00043918
48.46 0.0021607 21.137 0.0004567 0.0004567
49.6 0.00041539 69.896 0.00029034 0.00029034
50.74 0.00075209 41.776 0.00031419 0.00031419
51.77 0.00054799 71.062 0.00038941 0.00038941
53.03 0.00038888 69.498 0.00027026 0.00027026
54.51 0.0006505 44.683 0.00029066 0.00029066
56.23 0.0010053 42.789 0.00043015 0.00043015
58.85 0.00020107 95.972 0.00019297 0.00019297