14 N + 10 B, Elab =38.1 MeV H. Takai, K. Koide, A. Bairrio Nuevo Jr., O. Deitzsch,Physical Review, C38 (1988) 741 (access to the source may be restricted by owner!)
CommentsBeam quality: no data Target: Self-supported 10 B target of 50 mcg/cm2 . Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4 ) Beams of 14 N produced by the electrostatic accelerator at the University of Sao Paulo.
Θcm (deg) σ/σR (ratio) error (%) +δσ -δσ 17.82 0.89812 6.238 0.056021 0.056021 20.34 0.7092 4.203 0.029807 0.029807 22.54 0.60373 5.226 0.031549 0.031549 25.37 0.51394 5.226 0.026857 0.026857 29.78 0.47674 5.226 0.024913 0.024913 32.61 0.31032 5.226 0.016216 0.016216 34.5 0.23224 5.226 0.012136 0.012136 37.33 0.21313 5.226 0.011137 0.011137 40.16 0.2201 4.388 0.0096565 0.0096565 42.36 0.21313 6.238 0.013294 0.013294 44.25 0.15611 6.238 0.0097378 0.0097378 47.71 0.094262 6.238 0.0058797 0.0058797 49.29 0.079386 4.203 0.0033365 0.0033365 54.32 0.09226 4.203 0.0038776 0.0038776 57.15 0.11559 4.203 0.004858 0.004858 59.04 0.055111 5.226 0.00288 0.00288 64.08 0.033276 6.238 0.0020756 0.0020756 68.17 0.046414 6.238 0.0028951 0.0028951 71.63 0.040369 5.226 0.0021096 0.0021096 76.35 0.030867 6.238 0.0019254 0.0019254 80.13 0.020973 6.238 0.0013082 0.0013082 88.62 0.031537 5.226 0.001648 0.001648 92.08 0.026277 7.239 0.0019021 0.0019021 95.55 0.020528 6.238 0.0012805 0.0012805 98.06 0.019665 4.203 0.00082651 0.00082651 104 0.023602 7.239 0.0017085 0.0017085 110.3 0.025444 6.238 0.0015871 0.0015871 116.3 0.027429 6.238 0.0017109 0.0017109 118.5 0.032222 5.226 0.0016838 0.0016838 122.3 0.037447 5.226 0.0019569 0.0019569 125.8 0.043054 5.226 0.0022499 0.0022499 128.3 0.040369 8.23 0.003322 0.003322 128.3 0.034736 6.238 0.0021667 0.0021667 132 0.03626 7.239 0.0026248 0.0026248 134.3 0.031877 6.238 0.0019884 0.0019884 136.5 0.037447 6.238 0.0023358 0.0023358 140.2 0.050036 6.238 0.0031211 0.0031211 144.6 0.056307 5.226 0.0029425 0.0029425 144.6 0.063364 4.388 0.00278 0.00278 148.4 0.069791 6.238 0.0043533 0.0043533 148.7 0.054523 6.238 0.0034009 0.0034009 152.5 0.049502 4.203 0.0020805 0.0020805 156.6 0.059412 6.238 0.0037059 0.0037059 160.4 0.069046 7.804 0.0053881 0.0053881 164.8 0.075238 8.23 0.0061914 0.0061914 168.6 0.082869 7.239 0.0059987 0.0059987 172.6 0.10722 7.239 0.0077614 0.0077614 176.7 0.13578 9.21 0.012504 0.012504