Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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Z1 A1   +   Z2 A2    
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14N + 159Tb,   Elab=92 MeV

G.J. Balster, P.C.N. Crouzen, P.B. Goldhoorn, R.H. Siemssen, H.W. Wilschut,
Nuclear Physics, A468 (1987) 93-130
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: no data
Target: Selfsupporting 159Tb target of 2.5 mg/cm2 thickness.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The experiments were performed with 14N beams of 92, 236 and 309 MeV from the KVI isosynchronous cyclotron. 

Java blocked?

Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
16.87 0.9973 11.324 0.11293 0.11293
22.64 0.99633 11.334 0.11292 0.11292
27.71 0.99548 8.925 0.088837 0.088837
33.24 1.0215 10.114 0.10331 0.10331
38.54 1.0343 10.125 0.10472 0.10472
43.84 0.97963 8.924 0.087422 0.087422
49.15 1.1957 10.136 0.12119 0.12119
54.45 1.0881 8.917 0.097025 0.097025
59.51 0.86645 10.129 0.087756 0.087756
65.24 0.44409 8.91 0.039568 0.039568
69.82 0.26017 11.323 0.029459 0.029459
75.08 0.11826 10.129 0.011978 0.011978
80.34 0.055211 10.129 0.0055918 0.0055918
85.6 0.020819 10.122 0.0021071 0.0021071
90.39 0.0088529 10.122 0.00089602 0.00089602