Experimental data on
elastic scattering
evaporation residue

Experimental data on elastic scattering

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7Li + 13C,   Elab=130 MeV

F. Carstoiu, L. Trache, R.E. Tribble, C.A. Gagliardi,
Physical Review, C70 (2004) 054610
(access to the source may be restricted by owner!)

Beam quality: Energy spread dE/E up to 1/2500; angular spread 0.1 deg.
Target: Self-supporting 13C (390 mg/cm2) target.
Data obtained: author graph (digitized with GSYS 2.4)
The experiments were performed using 6Li and 7Li beams of 9 and 19 MeV/nucleon from the Texas A&M University K500 superconducting cyclotron and the Multipole Dipole Multipole(MDM) magnetic spectrometer. 

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Θcm (deg)σ/σR (ratio)error (%)+δσ-δσ
6.585 0.6311 11.511 0.07264 0.07264
7.31 0.3708 12.633 0.04684 0.04684
8.177 0.1231 10.529 0.01296 0.01296
8.893 0.06749 10.429 0.007038 0.007038
9.696 0.2373 12.487 0.02963 0.02963
10.36 0.5597 11.703 0.0655 0.0655
11.29 0.8333 10.521 0.08767 0.08767
12.01 0.9845 11.509 0.1133 0.1133
12.91 0.8292 11.077 0.09185 0.09185
13.46 0.6453 9.522 0.06144 0.06144
14.4 0.362 9.523 0.03447 0.03447
15.11 0.1689 11.925 0.02014 0.02014
15.72 0.1229 11.302 0.01389 0.01389
16.57 0.2154 11.82 0.02546 0.02546
17.3 0.3639 9.987 0.03634 0.03634
18.16 0.6037 9.52 0.05747 0.05747
18.89 0.6898 12.49 0.08615 0.08615
19.74 0.7007 9.926 0.06955 0.06955
20.47 0.6032 10.455 0.06306 0.06306
21.35 0.511 10.521 0.05376 0.05376
22.05 0.3708 11.656 0.04322 0.04322
22.66 0.28 10.411 0.02915 0.02915
23.51 0.2366 12.228 0.02893 0.02893
24.31 0.2508 10.523 0.02639 0.02639
25.11 0.3064 10.523 0.03224 0.03224
25.83 0.3849 9.034 0.03477 0.03477
26.56 0.4227 11.448 0.04839 0.04839
27.53 0.4307 13.088 0.05637 0.05637
28.14 0.4148 10.772 0.04468 0.04468
29.12 0.3778 10.353 0.03911 0.03911
29.59 0.2898 12.492 0.0362 0.0362
30.34 0.255 11.969 0.03052 0.03052
31.19 0.2195 10.52 0.02309 0.02309
32.04 0.1962 10.413 0.02043 0.02043
33.38 0.1855 11.354 0.02106 0.02106
34.22 0.2076 10.526 0.02185 0.02185
35.09 0.2237 11.194 0.02504 0.02504
36.06 0.2195 10.52 0.02309 0.02309
37.26 0.227 11.507 0.02612 0.02612
38.01 0.189 11.043 0.02087 0.02087
39.65 0.1719 12.49 0.02147 0.02147
40.93 0.1689 13.861 0.02341 0.02341
41.75 0.1644 11.509 0.01892 0.01892
42.98 0.1858 10.523 0.01955 0.01955
43.92 0.1921 10.521 0.02021 0.02021
44.72 0.1858 10.523 0.01955 0.01955
45.51 0.1817 8.509 0.01546 0.01546
46.29 0.2037 12.676 0.02582 0.02582
47.68 0.19 10.522 0.01999 0.01999
48.62 0.1758 11.508 0.02023 0.02023
49.22 0.182 11.566 0.02105 0.02105
49.93 0.1573 9.517 0.01497 0.01497
50.68 0.1787 11.17 0.01996 0.01996
52.31 0.1608 15.548 0.025 0.025
53.04 0.1471 12.489 0.01837 0.01837
53.83 0.1423 13.008 0.01851 0.01851
54.27 0.1259 13.011 0.01638 0.01638
55.19 0.1401 9.094 0.01274 0.01274
56.15 0.1331 11.511 0.01532 0.01532
57.09 0.1218 11.511 0.01402 0.01402
58.17 0.09536 8.51 0.008115 0.008115
59.45 0.09632 12.397 0.01194 0.01194
60.85 0.08628 13.005 0.01122 0.01122
61.52 0.07552 12.993 0.009812 0.009812
62.25 0.06501 13.589 0.008834 0.008834
63.09 0.05847 11.759 0.006875 0.006875
63.74 0.04579 8.509 0.003896 0.003896
65.26 0.05409 10.522 0.005691 0.005691
66.06 0.04236 8.509 0.003604 0.003604
66.64 0.03192 11.066 0.003532 0.003532
67.37 0.01999 14.838 0.002966 0.002966
68.1 0.02598 13.48 0.003502 0.003502
68.83 0.02962 13.242 0.003922 0.003922
69.56 0.02853 9.965 0.002843 0.002843
70.26 0.03354 19.04 0.006386 0.006386